IfNote: You might want to consider simply using NCExpand[a_] := Distribute[a, Plus, NonCommutativeMultiply]
. That said, the following provides a useful way of making NonCommutativeMultiply
behave like Times
with an identity (which is beneficial even outside of this problem), and also answers the original question.
So, if you want to mirror how e.g. Times
works, then what you want to do is exploit the OneIdentity
attribute (which NonCommutativeMultiply
already has), Default
values and Optional
patterns, and implement an identity value for NonCommutativeMultiply
Default[NonCommutativeMultiply] = 1; (* or whatever value you'd like here *)
(* Set unary and nullary behavior: *)
Block[{a = Attributes[NonCommutativeMultiply]},
Attributes[NonCommutativeMultiply] = {};
NonCommutativeMultiply[a_.] := a;
Attributes[NonCommutativeMultiply] = a;
(* Make Default[NonCommutativeMultiply] behave as an identity
for NonCommutativeMultiply and avoid infinite recursion
via the intercept trick: *)
NCMIntercept = True;
NonCommutativeMultiply[a_, b__] :=
Block[{NCMIntercept = False},
NonCommutativeMultiply @@ DeleteCases[{a,b}, Default[NonCommutativeMultiply]]
] /; NCMIntercept
Protect[NonCommutativeMultiply, NCMIntercept];
NCExpand[a_. ** (b_ + c_) ** d_.] := a ** b ** d + a ** c ** d