V[ϕ_, θ_] :=
0.045360921162651446/Sqrt[1.00001 + Cos[ϕ] Sin[θ]] +
0.045360921162651446/Sqrt[1.00001 - Sin[θ] Sin[π/6 - ϕ]] +
0.045360921162651446/Sqrt[1.00001 - Sin[θ] Sin[π/6 + ϕ]];
Clear[points, grid, domain]
points@ϕ = points@θ = 100;200;
eps = 0(*Pi/10^2*);
domain@ϕ = {0, 2 Pi}; domain@θ = {eps, Pi - eps};
(grid@# = Array[# &, points@#, domain@#]) & /@ {ϕ, θ};
difforder = 2;
(* Definition of pdetoode isn't included in this post,
please find it in the link above. *)
ptoofunc =
pdetoode[{Subscript[S, 0], Subscript[S, 1]}[ϕ, θ, t], t,
grid /@ {ϕ, θ}, difforder, {True, False}];
μ0 = 10^-2; μ1 = 5 10^-2;
eq = {μ0 (D[Subscript[S, 0], {θ, 2}] +
D[Subscript[S, 0], {ϕ, 2}]) -
D[Subscript[S, 0],
t] == -V[ϕ, θ] + (D[Subscript[S, 0], θ]^2 +
Csc[θ]^2 D[Subscript[S, 0], ϕ]^2), μ1 (D[Subscript[S,
1], {θ, 2}] + D[Subscript[S, 1], {ϕ, 2}]) -
D[Subscript[S, 1],
t] == -(-Cot[θ] D[Subscript[S, 0], θ] +
D[Subscript[S, 0], {θ, 2}] +
Csc[θ]^2 D[Subscript[S, 0], {ϕ, 2}]) +
2 (D[Subscript[S, 0], θ] D[Subscript[S, 1], θ] +
Csc[θ]^2 D[Subscript[S, 0], ϕ] D[Subscript[S, 1], ϕ])};
ic = {Subscript[S, 0] == Sin[θ]^2, Subscript[S, 1] == Sin[θ]^2} /.
t -> 0;
bc = {D[Subscript[S, 0], θ] == 0,
D[Subscript[S, 1], θ] ==
0} /. {{θ -> domain[θ][[1]]}, {θ ->
domain[θ][[-1]]}}] /. {Subscript[S, 0] ->
Subscript[S, 0][ϕ, θ, t],
Subscript[S, 1] -> Subscript[S, 1][ϕ, θ, t]};
del = #[[2 ;; -2]] &;
ode = Map[del, ptoofunc@eq, {2}] // Quiet;
odebc = ptoofunc@diffbc[t][bc];
odeic = ptoofunc@ic;
varlst = Outer[#@##2 &, {Subscript[S, 0], Subscript[S, 1]}, grid@ϕ,
tend = 10;
jianshi[t_]:=EvaluationMonitor:>showStatus["t = "<>ToString[CForm[t]]]
sollst = NDSolveValue[{ode, odeic, odebc}, varlst, {t, 0, tend}, jianshi[t],
Method -> {"EquationSimplification" -> "MassMatrix"}(*,SolveDelayed->
True*)]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {2511984.95824, Null} *)
{sols0, sols1} = rebuild[#, grid /@ {ϕ, θ}, -1] & /@ sollst;
piclst1 = Table[
SphericalPlot3D[sols1[f, th, t],
{th, #3, #4}, {f, #1, #2}, PlotPoints -> 50] & @@
Flatten[domain /@ {ϕ, θ}], {t, 0, tend, tend/25}];
Show[#, PlotRange -> {{-1.2, 1.2}, {-1.2, 1.2}, {-3.2, 3.2}}] & /@ piclst1]