As I mentioned in a comment, I do not use an init.m file, I paste my frequently used functions from project notebook to project notebook as an initialization cell. That having been said, my initialization cell is:
If[False, {(*
true for saving to PDF at true dimensions and ImageResolution of \
1200 PDI, false for large graphs for screen and saving as PNG,
ftsz = 12,(*fontsize 12 for graph publication quality PDFs*)
imgsz = 100,
imgrez = 2400}(*imagesize coefficient 57/was100 equal to one inch*)
, {ftsz = 38, imgsz = 267,
imgrez = 72}];(*else for large images and publishing PNG graphs \
fntandsz = {FontFamily -> (fntFam = "Georgia")(*"Times"*),
FontSize -> ftsz};
$HistoryLength = 5;
txt[a_, b_, c : {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} : {0, 0},
d : {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} : {1, 0}, opt : OptionsPattern[]] :=
Text[Style[a, opt, FontFamily -> "Georgia"(*"Times"*),
FontSize -> ftsz], b, c,
d](* This simplifies the input for text in raphics to avoid the \
need to nest Text[Style[ ] ] in every graphic. The options at the end \
get passed to Style[]. The previous arguments are made optional by \
getting a default value ":{0,0}" while a test prevents the code from \
confusing an option for those with ":{_?NumericQ,_NumericQ}" *)
fpath = (NotebookBrowseDirectory /. Options[$FrontEnd]) <>
"\\";(*save in notebook path*)
(*stop evaluation if the path does not end in \Documents\*)
If[StringTake[fpath, -11] != "\\Documents\\",
(*Remove cells from evaluation queue*)(
SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], All, Notebook,
AutoScroll -> False];
SelectionMove[EvaluationCell[], After, Cell, AutoScroll -> False];
(*set $Pre to abort current cell but before that schedule a task to \
un-define $Pre*)
SessionSubmit[ScheduledTask[$Pre =., {Quantity[3, "Seconds"]}]];
"Wrong working directory! Open and close a file in /Documents and \
$Pre = Abort[] &;
Abort[];)];(*end of sequence stopping evaluation if the directory \
is false*)
droptrailingperiod[x_] :=
If[Round[x] == x,(*is the rightmost a period, from some precision?*)
Round[x](*then use Round to drop the trailing period*)
, x](*else not*)
x_] := {x,(*define a function that creates a tick label pair for \
dollar amounts*)
NumberForm[droptrailingperiod@x, NumberSigns -> {"-$", "$"},
DigitBlock ->
3](*put dollar sign and comma and drop the trailing period*)
dollarticks[min_, max_] :=
adollartick[#] & /@
N[FindDivisions[{min, max},
3]](*to produce dollar amounts as tick marks with three tickmarks*)
dollarticks7[min_, max_] :=
adollartick[#] & /@
N[FindDivisions[{min, max},
7]](*to produce dollar amounts as tick marks with seven tickmarks*)
apercenttick[x_] := {x,(*function of tick pair for percentages*)
100 x]](*multiply by 100 and drop trailing period*)
<> "%"}(*and append a % sign*)
percentticks[min_, max_] :=
apercenttick[#] & /@ N[FindDivisions[{min, max}, 7]]
fewpercentticks[min_, max_] :=
apercenttick[#] & /@ N[FindDivisions[{min, max}, 4]]
fewticks[min_, max_] :=
droptrailingperiod[#] & /@ N[FindDivisions[{min, max}, 4]]
acommatick[x_] := {x, AccountingForm[x]}
commaticks[min_, max_] :=
acommatick[#] & /@ FindDivisions[{min, max}, 7]
fewcommaticks[min_, max_] :=
acommatick[#] & /@ FindDivisions[{min, max}, 4]
seagreen =
RGBColor[{46/255, 139/255,
87/255}];(*also define some extra colors*)
yellowgreen = RGBColor[{173/255, 1, 47/255}];
darkyellow = RGBColor[{204/255, 204/255, 0}];
(*a very complex function for placing text in 3D:*)
text3D[str_, location_ : {0, 0, 0},
scaling : {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} : { 1, 1},
longitude : _?NumericQ : 0, elevation : _?NumericQ : 0,
tilt : _?NumericQ : 0, opt : OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{mesh =
Style[str, opt, FontFamily -> "Georgia"(*"Times"*),
FontSize -> 12(*don't scale with ftsz*)]], _Text,
MaxCellMeasure -> 0.04],
rotmatrx =
RotationMatrix[longitude, {0, 0, 1}] .
RotationMatrix[-elevation, {0, 1, 0}] .
RotationMatrix[tilt, {1, 0, 0}]},
2] /. {x_?NumberQ,
y_?NumberQ} :> (rotmatrx . (scaling~Join~{1} {x, y, 0}) +
NumberQ}\[RuleDelayed](rotmatrx.(scaling~Join~{1} {x,y,0})+
location)REMOVE REM IF NEEDING OUTLINES, see https://*)]]
twoYrDigitAbbrev[yr_] :=
"\[CloseCurlyQuote]" <>
StringTake[ToString[yr], -2](*Show 1964 as '64*)
twoDgNo[x_] :=
x, {5, 2}](*Show 3.1415923 as 3.14; no not use for numbers with \
over 5 digits*)
numericOrPercent[num_, digits_ : {2, 0}] := Which[
0 <= num <= 1 && NumericQ[num],
Style[PercentForm[num, digits], FontSlant -> Plain],
NumericQ[num], Style[num, FontSlant -> Plain],
True, num]
tblFm2Dgt[x_List, opt : OptionsPattern[]] /; Length@Dimensions@x > 1 :=
TableForm[Map[twoDgNo[#] &, x, {2}],
opt](*to make tables show two digits while exportable with built-in \
(*define the chi-squared test*)
chiSquareTest[obs_List, exp_List] /;
Dimensions[obs] == Dimensions[exp] :=
Block[{t}, t = Total[(Flatten@obs - Flatten@exp)^2/Flatten@exp] // N;
{Rule["chisqr", t],
Times @@
Table[Dimensions[exp][[i]] - 1, {i, Length@Dimensions@exp}]],
expTable[u_List] := Module[(*Create null hypothesis matrix*)
{rs = Plus @@ u,
cs = Plus @@ Transpose[u],
n = Total[Flatten[u]]},
Transpose@Outer[Times, rs, cs]/n]
lineAndPoints[lst_List] := {Line[lst],
Tooltip[Point[#], #[[2]]] & /@ lst}
percent[n_] :=
If[n > 1 || n < 0, "Erroneous use of percent.",
If[n == 1, "100%", StringTake[ToString[twoDgNo[n]], -2] <> "%"]]
DigitBlock -> 3];(*Use AccountingForm to see
numbers with commas and spaces every third decimal digit.*)
I also have some functions for abbeviations according to the Blue Book citation system that legal practice uses, if anyone is interested I 'd gladly share.