Manjaro running kernel 5.15 on an i9 12900k @ 5.2GHz, 126Gb RAM, Mathematica 13. No tuning - first results: 6.681
{"MachineName" -> "cerberus", "System" -> "Linux x86 (64-bit)",
"BenchmarkName" -> "WolframMark", "FullVersionNumber" -> "13.0.0",
"Date" -> "February 12, 2022", "BenchmarkResult" -> 6.681,
"TotalTime" -> 2.072, "Results" -> {{"Data Fitting", 0.125},
{"Digits of Pi", 0.144}, {"Discrete Fourier Transform", 0.23},
{"Eigenvalues of a Matrix", 0.215}, {"Elementary Functions", 0.087},
{"Gamma Function", 0.203}, {"Large Integer Multiplication", 0.195},
{"Matrix Arithmetic", 0.028}, {"Matrix Multiplication", 0.077},
{"Matrix Transpose", 0.156}, {"Numerical Integration", 0.223},
{"Polynomial Expansion", 0.022}, {"Random Number Sort", 0.043},
{"Singular Value Decomposition", 0.166}, {"Solving a Linear System",