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compareCIResults[opts : OptionsPattern[NonlinearModelFit]] := 
 TableForm[{#["ParameterConfidenceIntervalTable"] & /@ {nlm[
     xyAsOffset] xyAsOffset, nlm[xyAsAbsoluteTime]opts], nlm[xyAsAbsoluteTime, opts]}}, 
  TableHeadings -> {{opts}, {"xyAsOffsets""xAsOffsetsFromTRef", "xyAsAbsoluteTime"
TableForm[{#["ParameterConfidenceIntervalTable"] & /@ {nlm[
     xyAsOffset], nlm[xyAsAbsoluteTime]}}, 
 TableHeadings -> {{}, {"xyAsOffsets", "xyAsAbsoluteTime"}}]
compareCIResults[opts : OptionsPattern[NonlinearModelFit]] := 
 TableForm[{#["ParameterConfidenceIntervalTable"] & /@ {nlm[
      xyAsOffset, opts], nlm[xyAsAbsoluteTime, opts]}}, 
  TableHeadings -> {{opts}, {"xAsOffsetsFromTRef", 
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NOTE: At this point, the only difference between xAsOffsets and xAsAbsoluteTime is thattheir IntegerLength[] size: the former are offset values from a TRef {0, 3600, ...} with IntegerLength[] <= 7 whereas the latter are AbsoluteTime values {3819830400, 3819832200, ...} whose IntegerLength[] == 10. Both are monotonically increasing by 1800.

NOTE: At this point, the only difference between xAsOffsets and xAsAbsoluteTime is that the former are offset values from a TRef {0, 3600, ...} whereas the latter are AbsoluteTime values {3819830400, 3819832200, ...}. Both are monotonically increasing by 1800.

NOTE: At this point, the only difference between xAsOffsets and xAsAbsoluteTime is their IntegerLength[] size: the former are offset values from a TRef {0, 3600, ...} with IntegerLength[] <= 7 whereas the latter are AbsoluteTime values {3819830400, 3819832200, ...} whose IntegerLength[] == 10. Both are monotonically increasing by 1800.

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  1. Why does NLM ignore parameter constraints Abs[phi] <= 2Pi when AbsoluteTime units are utilized?
  2. Is there an additional NLM tuning parameter to ensure Phi never steps outside its constrained param value?
  3. Is there a two-pass strategy to get reasonable phaseCIs (e.g., estimate BestFitParameters in one pass with a specific NLM Method, and then run a second NLM passing with a Method that explicitly applies parameter constraints)?
  4. (More generally) What other issues does NLM have with respect to TimeSeries data with Circular and/or Directional Statistical models?
  1. Why does NLM ignore parameter constraints Abs[phi] <= 2Pi when AbsoluteTime units are utilized?
  2. Is there an additional NLM tuning parameter to ensure Phi never steps outside its constrained param value?
  3. Is there a two-pass strategy to get reasonable phaseCIs (e.g., estimate BestFitParameters in one pass with a specific NLM Method, and then run a second NLM passing with a Method that explicitly applies parameter constraints?
  4. (More generally) What other issues does NLM have with respect to TimeSeries data with Circular and/or Directional Statistical models?
  1. Why does NLM ignore parameter constraints Abs[phi] <= 2Pi when AbsoluteTime units are utilized?
  2. Is there an additional NLM tuning parameter to ensure Phi never steps outside its constrained param value?
  3. Is there a two-pass strategy to get reasonable phaseCIs (e.g., estimate BestFitParameters in one pass with a specific NLM Method, and then run a second NLM passing with a Method that explicitly applies parameter constraints)?
  4. (More generally) What other issues does NLM have with respect to TimeSeries data with Circular Statistical models?
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