This is the same approach that Tim describes in his solution, but implemented with the ToGradedMeshToGradedMesh function added in version 13.0:
mesh = ToGradedMesh[
Line[{{0}, {xmax}}], <|"Alignment" -> "Left",
"ElementCount" -> 100, "MinimalDistance" -> xmax/10000|>];
eqsH = {D[H[x, t], t] - dH D[H[x, t], x, x] ==
NeumannValue[Ls Exp[a f Ea] P[x, t] - Ls Exp[-a f Ea] H[x, t],
x == 0], H[x, 0] == 1};
eqsP = {D[P[x, t], t] ==
NeumannValue[-Ls Exp[a f Ea] P[x, t] + Ls Exp[-a f Ea] H[x, t],
x == 0], P[x, 0] == 1};
{Hfun, Pfun} =
NDSolveValue[{eqsH, eqsP}, {H, P}, x \[Element] mesh, {t, 0, tmax},
Method -> {"MethodOfLines", "SpatialDiscretization" -> {"FiniteElement"}}];
imgs = Plot[Hfun[x, #], x \[Element] mesh,
PlotRange -> {{0, 0.015}, {0.99999, 1.002}}] & /@ Subdivide[0, 2, 120];