Based on the helpful comments from the community, I was able to solve the problem by writing the file in chunks. Here is the code with the adjustable chunk size. It worked on a small laptop with 8GB of RAM, even though it took 45 minutes.
rows = 100000000; (*MaxMemoryUsed: 5GB, Expected CSV file size: 1.3GB*)
largeTable = Table[{k, 0, 0}, {k, rows}];
ExportLargeTableToCSV[largeFileName_String, largeTable_List,
maxRowsPerChunk_Integer : 1000000] := Block[{largeFile, maxRows, i},
If[FileExistsQ[largeFileName], DeleteFile[largeFileName];];
largeFile = OpenAppend[largeFileName];
maxRows = Min[Length[largeTable], maxRowsPerChunk];
Print[ToString[Length[largeTable]] ~~
" rows in the table. Chunk size:" ~~ ToString[maxRows] ~~
" rows."];
i = maxRows1, i <= Length[largeTable], i += maxRows,
PrintTemporary["SavingPrint["Saving chunk " ~~ ToString[i/ToString[Quotient[i, maxRows] + 1] ~~
" of " ~~
Quotient[Length[largeTable], maxRows]]maxRows] +
If[Mod[Length[largeTable], maxRows] == 0, 0, 1]] ~~ "..."];
Export[largeFile, largeTable[[i
- maxRows + 1largeTable[[i ;; i]]Min[i + maxRows, Length[largeTable]]]], "CSV"];
ExportLargeTableToCSV[NotebookDirectory[] ~~ "largeTableChunks.csv", largeTable];