Good morning. I have two equations (or more) that I want plot with ContourPlot colored with different colours and labelled according to equation order, in a automatic way. I have tried several solutions without success. My plot should remain as
g1 = x + 2 y; g2 = 2 x + y; b = {2, 2};
grosor = Thickness[0.01];
color3 = Blue;
color4 = Magenta;
coloresRest = {Blue, Magenta};
labelRest = Table[Text[Style["(" <> ToString@i <> ")", coloresRest[[i]]]],
{i, Length@coloresRest}];
ContourPlot[{g1 == b[[1]], g2 == b[[2]]}, {x, -2, 4}, {y, -2, 4},
Frame -> False, Axes -> True,
ContourStyle -> Thread[{coloresRest, grosor}],
Epilog -> {Text[Style["(1)", color3], Offset[{20, 0}, {-2, 2}]],
Text[Style["(2)", color4], Offset[{-10, -10}, {-1, 4}]]},
ImageSize -> 400]
I have tried with Table
, ContourLabel
, Riffle
or Epilog
, without success. For example:
ContourPlot[{g1 == b[[1]], g2 == b[[2]]}, {x, -2, 4}, {y, -2, 4},
Frame -> False, Axes -> True,
ContourStyle -> Thread[{coloresRest, grosor}],
ContourLabels -> Table[Text[Style[labelRest[[i]], Offset[{10, 0}, {#1, #2} &]]],
{i, 1, Length@coloresRest}],
ImageSize -> 400]
ContourPlot[{g1 == b[[1]], g2 == b[[2]]}, {x, -2, 4}, {y, -2, 4},
Frame -> False, Axes -> True,
ContourStyle -> Thread[{coloresRest, grosor}],
ContourLabels -> {Riffle[coloresRest, Inset[labelRest, Offset[{10, 0}, {#1, #2} &]]]},
ImageSize -> 400]
I realize that expresión {#1, #2}&
yield coordinates for labels, chosen by Mathematica. I'd prefer that and not to choose such coordinates.
Thank in advance
Sorry, but I forgot that
and I prefer that Mathematida choose coordenates of label with {#1, #2} & instruction.