I am using AceGen to compile a subroutine for MatLabMATLAB. The subroutine involves several steps of linear algebra that yields a number of symmetric matrices. However, when using AceGen there seems to be some sort of optimization process that, when dealing with a symmetric matrix, only returns the upper triangularization of the matrix. How can I make sure that AceGen always uses the full symmetric matrices?
I have created a very simple example to illustrate my point. Consider the function "TestFunction" that takes in an arbitrary ${5\times 5}$ matrix (called input) and returns a few symmetric matrixmatrices (called outputoutput1, output2, and output3) where
$$ output = \frac{1}{2} \left( input + input^{T} \right) \,. $$$$ output1 = \frac{1}{2} \left( input + input^{T} \right) \,, $$ $$ output2 = input^{T}\, input \,,\text{ and} $$ $$ output3 = output2^{-1} \,. $$
The AceGen source code for "TestFunction" can be found herehere and is shown below
The compiled MatLabMATLAB code is available herehere.
The compiled MatLabMATLAB function is tested using the script "TestScript" which is available herehere and shown below.
The outputoutputs of "TestScript" isare shown below.
The output isoutputs are close to correct. However, instead of just the upper triangular matrixmatrices, I want the outputoutputs to be the full matrixmatrices, as shown by "Correct_output"the MATLAB outputs.
I have tried changing the optimization mode to "Mode"->"Plain" I have tried using
$$ \text{SMSFreeze}\left[output,\, \frac{1}{2} \left( input + \text{Transpose}\left[ input \right] \right) ,\, "Symmetric"->\text{True} \right] \,,\text{ and} $$$$ \text{SMSFreeze}\left[output1,\, \frac{1}{2} \left( input + \text{Transpose}\left[ input \right] \right) ,\, "Symmetric"->\text{True} \right] \,, $$
$$ \text{SMSFreeze}\left[ output,\,\frac{1}{2} \left( input + \text{Transpose}\left[ input \right] \right) ,\, "KeepStructure"->\text{True} \right] $$$$ \text{SMSFreeze}\left[ output1,\,\frac{1}{2} \left( input + \text{Transpose}\left[ input \right] \right) ,\, "KeepStructure"->\text{True} \right] \,,\text{ and} $$
$$ output1=\text{Table}\left[\frac{1}{2}\left( input [i,j] + input [j,i] \right),\{i,1,ndim\},\{j,1,ndim\} \right] $$
but nothing has worked.
Any help would be appreciated!