Scidraw has suddenly stopped working for me. I get the error
FigCompositeElement::objsyntax: Missing or unexpected arguments in FigCompositeElement[CollectGraphicalElements[FigPolygonElement[{Rectangle @@ Transpose[SciDraw`Private`Window$10373[CanvasRegion[]]]}, Flatten[{Layer -> SciDraw`Private`$FigBackgroundLayer, ShowLine -> False, ShowFill -> True, FillColor -> (Background /. FigOptions), FillOpacity -> (BackgroundOpacity /. FigOptions), FillDirectives -> (BackgroundDirectives /. FigOptions), FigOptions}]], Object[Object$19], GrayLevel[1]],Object[Object$19],0,Clip -> False,Debug -> True]. (The given arguments do not match any of the definitions for the constructor for class FigCompositeElement.)
When running the example from the manual
Figure[ FigurePanel[ { FigGraphics@Plot[x, {x, 0, 1}]; }], CanvasSize -> {5, 3.5}]
Along with these error when I load the package:
SetDelayed::write: Tag ObjectExistsQ in ObjectExistsQ[Self:Object[A_]] is Protected. SetDelayed::write: Tag BoundingRegion in BoundingRegion[ObjectList:{(_Object?(And[<<2>>]&)|_?(And[<<2>>]&)|_Object?(And[<<2>>]&)|_?(And[<<2>>]&))..}] is Protected. SetDelayed::write: Tag BoundingRegion in BoundingRegion[obj:_Object?(ObjectExistsQ[Slot[<<1>>]]&&MemberQ[ClassAncestry[<<1>>],FigAnchor]&)|_?(ObjectExistsQ[Object[<<1>>]]&&MemberQ[ClassAncestry[<<1>>],FigAnchor]&)|_Object?(ObjectExistsQ[Slot[<<1>>]]&&MemberQ[ClassAncestry[<<1>>],FigObject]&)|_?(ObjectExistsQ[Object[<<1>>]]&&MemberQ[ClassAncestry[<<1>>],FigObject]&)] is Protected. General::stop: Further output of SetDelayed::write will be suppressed during this calculation.
This is absolutely devastating for me, since I have used Scidraw for a long time for all of my scientific drawings. I tried reinstalling both scidraw and mathematica in case one of the files got corrupted, but this did not help. I suspect some recent update of mathematica is responsible.
I am using Mathematica 12.1 and scidraw 0.0.7. It used to work with this version. I get the same error in v12.3. Is scidraw too old now?
Thank you so much to anyone who can help!
EDIT: Evidently this has been documented before and only now has the functionality broken down... SciDraw error loading package
with v11.3 I get the following error message:
Figure::figbadopt: Option Style has invalid value None.
Figure::figbadopt: Option Style has invalid value None.
After reinstalling SciDraw, I get the same error message with v11.3 as previouslywith 12.1 and 12.3