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Updated the post to eliminate a warning on posXids = Position[center3[[All, 1]], _?(# >= 0 &), 1] // Flatten;
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Tim Laska
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(*Element info shortcuts*)
ebi = ElementIncidents[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebm = ElementMarkers[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebn = #["BoundaryNormals"][[1]] &;
ei = ElementIncidents[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
em = ElementMarkers[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
epi = ElementIncidents[#["PointElements"]][[1]] &;
epm = Flatten@ElementMarkers[#["PointElements"]] &;
(*extract boundary mesh from element mesh*)
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[mesh];
bcrd = bmesh["Coordinates"];
bi = ebi[bmesh];(*boundary element incidents*)
bm = ebm[bmesh];(*boundary element markers*)
bn = ebn[bmesh];(*boundary normals*)
(*find markers corresponding to the spherical cap*)
mrk3pos = Flatten@Position[bm, 3, 1];
(*generate necessary info to estimate surface integral*)
bn3 = bn[[mrk3pos]];
polys = Map[Polygon, 
   GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
area3 = Area /@ polys;
center3 = Map[Mean, GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
(*find positions of left and right side of spherical cap*)
posXids = Position[center3Position[center3[[All, 1]], _?(#[[1]]# >= 0 &), 1] // Flatten;
negXids = Complement[Range[Length[mrk3pos]], posXids];
Show[{Graphics3D[{Red, polys[[posXids]]}], 
  Graphics3D[{Blue, polys[[negXids]]}]}]
(*Element info shortcuts*)
ebi = ElementIncidents[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebm = ElementMarkers[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebn = #["BoundaryNormals"][[1]] &;
ei = ElementIncidents[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
em = ElementMarkers[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
epi = ElementIncidents[#["PointElements"]][[1]] &;
epm = Flatten@ElementMarkers[#["PointElements"]] &;
(*extract boundary mesh from element mesh*)
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[mesh];
bcrd = bmesh["Coordinates"];
bi = ebi[bmesh];(*boundary element incidents*)
bm = ebm[bmesh];(*boundary element markers*)
bn = ebn[bmesh];(*boundary normals*)
(*find markers corresponding to the spherical cap*)
mrk3pos = Flatten@Position[bm, 3, 1];
(*generate necessary info to estimate surface integral*)
bn3 = bn[[mrk3pos]];
polys = Map[Polygon, 
   GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
area3 = Area /@ polys;
center3 = Map[Mean, GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
(*find positions of left and right side of spherical cap*)
posXids = Position[center3, _?(#[[1]] >= 0 &), 1] // Flatten;
negXids = Complement[Range[Length[mrk3pos]], posXids];
Show[{Graphics3D[{Red, polys[[posXids]]}], 
  Graphics3D[{Blue, polys[[negXids]]}]}]
(*Element info shortcuts*)
ebi = ElementIncidents[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebm = ElementMarkers[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebn = #["BoundaryNormals"][[1]] &;
ei = ElementIncidents[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
em = ElementMarkers[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
epi = ElementIncidents[#["PointElements"]][[1]] &;
epm = Flatten@ElementMarkers[#["PointElements"]] &;
(*extract boundary mesh from element mesh*)
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[mesh];
bcrd = bmesh["Coordinates"];
bi = ebi[bmesh];(*boundary element incidents*)
bm = ebm[bmesh];(*boundary element markers*)
bn = ebn[bmesh];(*boundary normals*)
(*find markers corresponding to the spherical cap*)
mrk3pos = Flatten@Position[bm, 3, 1];
(*generate necessary info to estimate surface integral*)
bn3 = bn[[mrk3pos]];
polys = Map[Polygon, 
   GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
area3 = Area /@ polys;
center3 = Map[Mean, GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
(*find positions of left and right side of spherical cap*)
posXids = Position[center3[[All, 1]], _?(# >= 0 &), 1] // Flatten;
negXids = Complement[Range[Length[mrk3pos]], posXids];
Show[{Graphics3D[{Red, polys[[posXids]]}], 
  Graphics3D[{Blue, polys[[negXids]]}]}]
Fixed a typo in the code.
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Tim Laska
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(*Element info shortcuts*)
ebi = ElementIncidents[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebm = ElementMarkers[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebn = #["BoundaryNormals"][[1]] &;
ei = ElementIncidents[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
em = ElementMarkers[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
epi = ElementIncidents[#["PointElements"]][[1]] &;
epm = Flatten@ElementMarkers[#["PointElements"]] &;
(*extract boundary mesh from element mesh*)
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[mesh];
bcrd = bmesh["Coordinates"];
bi = ebi[bmesh];(*boundary element incidents*)
bm = ebm[bmesh];(*boundary element markers*)
bn = ebn[bmesh];(*boundary normals*)
(*find markers corresponding to the spherical cap*)
mrk3pos = Flatten@Position[bm, 3, 1];
(*generate necessary info to estimate surface integral*)
bn3 = bn[[mrk3pos]];
polys = Map[Polygon, 
   GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
area3 = Area /@ polys;
center3 = Map[Mean, GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
(*find positions of left and right side of spherical cap*)
posXids = Position[center3, _?(#[[1]] >= 0 &), 1] // Flatten;
negXids = Complement[Range[Length[mrk3pos]], posXpos];posXids];
Show[{Graphics3D[{Red, polys[[posXids]]}], 
  Graphics3D[{Blue, polys[[negXids]]}]}]
(*Element info shortcuts*)
ebi = ElementIncidents[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebm = ElementMarkers[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebn = #["BoundaryNormals"][[1]] &;
ei = ElementIncidents[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
em = ElementMarkers[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
epi = ElementIncidents[#["PointElements"]][[1]] &;
epm = Flatten@ElementMarkers[#["PointElements"]] &;
(*extract boundary mesh from element mesh*)
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[mesh];
bcrd = bmesh["Coordinates"];
bi = ebi[bmesh];(*boundary element incidents*)
bm = ebm[bmesh];(*boundary element markers*)
bn = ebn[bmesh];(*boundary normals*)
(*find markers corresponding to the spherical cap*)
mrk3pos = Flatten@Position[bm, 3, 1];
(*generate necessary info to estimate surface integral*)
bn3 = bn[[mrk3pos]];
polys = Map[Polygon, 
   GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
area3 = Area /@ polys;
center3 = Map[Mean, GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
(*find positions of left and right side of spherical cap*)
posXids = Position[center3, _?(#[[1]] >= 0 &), 1] // Flatten;
negXids = Complement[Range[Length[mrk3pos]], posXpos];
Show[{Graphics3D[{Red, polys[[posXids]]}], 
  Graphics3D[{Blue, polys[[negXids]]}]}]
(*Element info shortcuts*)
ebi = ElementIncidents[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebm = ElementMarkers[#["BoundaryElements"]][[1]] &;
ebn = #["BoundaryNormals"][[1]] &;
ei = ElementIncidents[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
em = ElementMarkers[#["MeshElements"]][[1]] &;
epi = ElementIncidents[#["PointElements"]][[1]] &;
epm = Flatten@ElementMarkers[#["PointElements"]] &;
(*extract boundary mesh from element mesh*)
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[mesh];
bcrd = bmesh["Coordinates"];
bi = ebi[bmesh];(*boundary element incidents*)
bm = ebm[bmesh];(*boundary element markers*)
bn = ebn[bmesh];(*boundary normals*)
(*find markers corresponding to the spherical cap*)
mrk3pos = Flatten@Position[bm, 3, 1];
(*generate necessary info to estimate surface integral*)
bn3 = bn[[mrk3pos]];
polys = Map[Polygon, 
   GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
area3 = Area /@ polys;
center3 = Map[Mean, GetElementCoordinates[bcrd, #] & /@ bi[[mrk3pos]]];
(*find positions of left and right side of spherical cap*)
posXids = Position[center3, _?(#[[1]] >= 0 &), 1] // Flatten;
negXids = Complement[Range[Length[mrk3pos]], posXids];
Show[{Graphics3D[{Red, polys[[posXids]]}], 
  Graphics3D[{Blue, polys[[negXids]]}]}]
Added a parametric sweep of Péclet numbers.
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So, as the Péclet number goes down the Advective component becomes less significant indicating that a "wind tunnel" is perhaps not the best model to study this problem. Although you may want to consider modifying the geometry, you can substantially mitigate the effects of low Péclet numbers by changing the default wall conditions to DirichletCondition's. For exampleHere is a logarithmic sweep from Pe numbers from 0.01 to 100 (note that this process is slow):

Pe = 0.001;
solpfun = NDSolveValue[ParametricNDSolveValue[{D[T[x, y, z], x] == 
     1/PeP Laplacian[T[x, y, z], {x, y, z}], {DirichletCondition[
      T[x, y, z] == 1., ElementMarker == 3], 
     DirichletCondition[T[x, y, z] == 0., ElementMarker == 4 ||
      Or @@ (ElementMarker == 6 ||
    # & /@ ElementMarker{4, ==6, 7]7})]}}, 
   T, {x, y, z} ∈ mesh];mesh, {P}];
surf = {{x^2 + y^2 + z^2 == 
     1.001^2}, {"XStackedPlanes", {7.5}}, {"YStackedPlanes", {0}}, \
{"ZStackedPlanes", {-0.8}}, {"BackPlanes"}};
SliceContourPlot3D[sol[xframes = SliceContourPlot3D[pfun[#][x, y, z], 
     surf, {x, y, z} ∈ mesh, 
 Contours -> 11, 
     PlotPoints -> 100, BoxRatios -> Automatic, 
     ColorFunction -> "ThermometerColors", PlotRange -> {-0.001, 1}, 
     PlotLegends -> Automatic]Automatic, PlotLabel -> N@#] & /@ (10^# & /@ 
     Subdivide[-2, 2, 20]);

Low Péclet number exampleParametric sweep of Péclet numbers

So, as the Péclet number goes down the Advective component becomes less significant indicating that a "wind tunnel" is perhaps not the best model to study this problem. Although you may want to consider modifying the geometry, you can substantially mitigate the effects of low Péclet numbers by changing the default wall conditions to DirichletCondition's. For example:

Pe = 0.001;
sol = NDSolveValue[{D[T[x, y, z], x] == 
     1/Pe Laplacian[T[x, y, z], {x, y, z}], {DirichletCondition[
      T[x, y, z] == 1., ElementMarker == 3], 
     DirichletCondition[T[x, y, z] == 0., ElementMarker == 4 ||
       ElementMarker == 6 ||
       ElementMarker == 7]}}, T, {x, y, z} ∈ mesh];
surf = {{x^2 + y^2 + z^2 == 
     1.001^2}, {"XStackedPlanes", {7.5}}, {"YStackedPlanes", {0}}, \
{"ZStackedPlanes", {-0.8}}, {"BackPlanes"}};
SliceContourPlot3D[sol[x, y, z], surf, {x, y, z} ∈ mesh, 
 Contours -> 11, PlotPoints -> 100, BoxRatios -> Automatic, 
 ColorFunction -> "ThermometerColors", PlotRange -> {-0.001, 1}, 
 PlotLegends -> Automatic]

Low Péclet number example

So, as the Péclet number goes down the Advective component becomes less significant indicating that a "wind tunnel" is perhaps not the best model to study this problem. Although you may want to consider modifying the geometry, you can substantially mitigate the effects of low Péclet numbers by changing the default wall conditions to DirichletCondition's. Here is a logarithmic sweep from Pe numbers from 0.01 to 100 (note that this process is slow):

pfun = ParametricNDSolveValue[{D[T[x, y, z], x] == 
     1/P Laplacian[T[x, y, z], {x, y, z}], {DirichletCondition[
      T[x, y, z] == 1., ElementMarker == 3], 
     DirichletCondition[T[x, y, z] == 0., 
      Or @@ (ElementMarker == # & /@ {4, 6, 7})]}}, 
   T, {x, y, z} ∈ mesh, {P}];
surf = {{x^2 + y^2 + z^2 == 
     1.001^2}, {"XStackedPlanes", {7.5}}, {"YStackedPlanes", {0}}, \
{"ZStackedPlanes", {-0.8}}, {"BackPlanes"}};
frames = SliceContourPlot3D[pfun[#][x, y, z], 
     surf, {x, y, z} ∈ mesh, Contours -> 11, 
     PlotPoints -> 100, BoxRatios -> Automatic, 
     ColorFunction -> "ThermometerColors", PlotRange -> {-0.001, 1}, 
     PlotLegends -> Automatic, PlotLabel -> N@#] & /@ (10^# & /@ 
     Subdivide[-2, 2, 20]);

Parametric sweep of Péclet numbers

Updated in response to @umby's comment
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Added a comparison comparison of Mathematica results to COMSOL and minor grammatical corrections.
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Added a section to estimate total flux.
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Tim Laska
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