(* Definition of ft isn't included in this post,
please find it in the link above. *)
eq = -(D[u[x, y], {x, 2}] + 2 D[u[x, y], {y, 2}]) == - DiracDelta[x - m] DiracDelta[y - n];
rule = HoldPattern@FourierTransform[a_, __] :> a;
teq = ft[eq, x, w1] /. rule /. u -> (U@#2 &)
tteq = ft[teq, y, w2] /. rule /. U[y] -> υ
ttsol = Solve[tteq, υ] // Values // Flatten // First
sol = InverseFourierTransform[ttsol, {w2, w1}, {y, x}]
The output is a bit long so I'd like to omit it here.
Notice u -> (U@#2 &)
and U[y] -> υ
aren't actually necessary, they're just
to make the code more readable.
The sol
is a bit lengthy and not that easy to simplify, so I'd like to show another way to calculate the inverse Fourier transform that produces a simpler result. We know inverse Fourier transform is essentially an integral, but in this case the generic function has involved in so we can't use Integrate
to calculate the inverse transform directly, nevertheless, utilizing the differentiation property of Fourier transform:
FourierTransform[f'[t], t, ω]
(* -I ω FourierTransform[f[t], t, ω] *)
we can calculate derivative of the fundamental solution:
dsol = -(1/Sqrt[2 Pi])^2 Integrate[
Exp[-I ( w1 x + w2 y)] ttsol w1 w2, {w1, -Infinity, Infinity}, {w2, -Infinity,
Infinity}, Assumptions -> (x | y | m | n) ∈ Reals]
(* ConditionalExpression[(
Sqrt[2] (m - x) Abs[n - y] Sign[n - y])/(π (2 (m - x)^2 + (n - y)^2)^2), n != y] *)
Finally integrate with respect to $x$ annd $y$:
solalter =
Integrate[dsol, x, y, Assumptions -> (x | y | m | n) ∈ Reals && n != y] //
(* -(Log[2 (m - x)^2 + (n - y)^2]/(4 Sqrt[2] π)) *)
"Wait, haven't you ignored the constant? " Indeed, but it doesn't hurt because fundamental solution is not unique. Actually it's not hard to show by numeric tests that:
sol - solalter == (-2 EulerGamma + Log[2])/(4 Sqrt[2] π)
Sadly, this method doesn't seem to be easy to generalize to cases like D[u[x, y], {x, 2}] + x^2 D[u[x, y], {y, 2}] == - DiracDelta[x - m] DiracDelta[y - n]
as asked in comment.