I'm plotting the numerical solution of a differential equations, using the altitude-like level curves as a mesh. It's fine, but I would like to add three specific altitude levels as thick red, green and blue curves, while all other curves stay in the default style. Here's a simple MWE to play with:
Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], (* this function is just for the MWE *)
{x, -10, 10},
{y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}, {-3, 3}},
MeshFunctions -> (#3 &),
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 500,
Method -> {"RotationControl" -> "Globe"},
SphericalRegion -> True
Sin[x - y] + Cos[x + y], (* this function is just for the MWE *)
{x, -10, 10},
{y, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> {30, 30},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 500
So I need this:
On both plots, I need to show the level curves for the alitude -1 (in thick red), 0 (in thick green) and +1 (in thick blue), while keeping all other curves as they currently are. These curves should be independantindependent of the particular function that I use in this MWE.
How can I do this?