You don't need to define any functions. You just need to write a While-loop.
It is tempting to write the While-loop to use system floating-point arithmetic for speed, like so:
With[{ϵ = 10.^-16},
Block[{x = 1., nxt},
nxt = Cos[x];
If[Abs[nxt - x] < ϵ, Break[], x = nxt]];
But this doesn't work because system floating-point arithmetic can't maintain 16 digits of precision over the iteration. To avoid this numerics problem, the While-loop can be written to compute with exact numbers. The final value will be converted to a 16-digit arbitrary precision number.
With[{ϵ = 10^-16},
Block[{x = 1, nxt},
nxt = Cos[x];
If[Abs[nxt - x] < ϵ, Break[], x = nxt]];
N[nxt, 16]]]
The above can be simplified a little by using an undocumented feature of Break
. It returns its argument when given one.
With[{ϵ = 10^-16},
Block[{x = 1, nxt},
nxt = Cos[x];
If[Abs[nxt - x] < ϵ, Break[N[nxt, 16]], x = nxt]]]]
The code editor complains about this use of Break
, but the evaluatesevaluator accepts it and it works fine.
I also feel I should point out that it is better Mathematica practice to use FixedPoint
than to write a While-loop.
With[{ϵ = 10^-16},
N[FixedPoint[Cos, 1, SameTest -> (Abs[#1 - #2] < ϵ &)], 16]]