(1) Remove pairs with non-numeric elements from neg
and pos
, (2) Prepend
) neg
) with a point so that both series have the same horizontal and vertical ranges:
newpoints = Transpose @
CoordinateBounds[Join @@ CoordinateBounds[Join[Cases[(Cases[{__Real}]@pos,] Cases[/@ {__Real}]@neg, neg]];pos})];
negpos = {Prepend[FirstMapThread[# @ newpoints]#2 &] @ Cases[neg,
{Prepend[First @ newpoints], Append[Last @ newpoints] @ Cases[pos}, Cases[{__Real}] /@ {neg, pos};}
Show[{QuantilePlot[X, NormalDistribution[Mean[X], StandardDeviation[X]],
ImageSize -> Automatic -> 200, LabelStyle -> 12, PlotStyle -> Red],
ListLinePlot[negpos, Filling -> {{1 -> {2}}},
FillingStyle -> Directive[{Gray, Opacity[0.1]}]]},
PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}}, ImageSize -> Large]