WolframAlpha["plot vector(1,1)+vector(2,3)", {{"Result", 1}, "Content"}]
To see the code behind you can take the first Part
WolframAlpha["plot vector(1,1)+vector(2,3)", {{"Result", 1}, "Content"}][[1]]
To get the main graphics, use
WolframAlpha["plot vector(1,1)+vector(2,3)", {{"Result", 1}, "Content"}][[1, 1,
1, 1, 1]] // RawBoxes
and to get the legend use
WolframAlpha["plot vector(1,1)+vector(2,3)", {{"Result", 1}, "Content"}][[1, 1,
1, 1, 2]] // RawBoxes
To get the result pane with special styling, use
WolframAlpha["plot vector(1,1)+vector(2,3)", IncludePods -> "Result",
AppearanceElements -> {"Pods"}]