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Understanding the output of a calculation

I have a simple question about the output of a calculation. I have written a function which is a sum of 3j-symbols and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients in which I sum over various indices.

Jsymbol[l1_, l2_, S_, L1_, L2_, J1_, J2_] := 
 3*Sum[(-1)^(ml1 + b + mL)*(2 L + 1)*Sqrt[(2 l1 + 1)*(2 l2 + 1)]*
    ThreeJSymbol[{l1, 0}, {l2, 0}, {L, 0}]*
    ThreeJSymbol[{l1, ml1}, {l2, ml2}, {L, mL}]*
    ThreeJSymbol[{1, 0}, {1, 0}, {L, 0}]*
    ThreeJSymbol[{1, b}, {1, c}, {L, mL}]*
    ClebschGordan[{1, mg1}, {1, i}, {1, b}]*
    ClebschGordan[{1, mg2}, {1, i}, {1, c}]*
    ClebschGordan[{l1, ml1}, {1, mg1}, {L1, ML1}]*
    ClebschGordan[{l2, ml2}, {1, mg2}, {L2, ML2}]*
    ClebschGordan[{S, MS}, {L1, ML1}, {J1, MJ1}]*
    ClebschGordan[{S, MS}, {L2, ML2}, {J2, MJ2}], {ml1, -l1, l1, 
    1}, {ml2, -l2, l2, 1}, {mg1, -1, 1, 1}, {mg2, -1, 1, 1}, {mL, -L, 
    L, 1}, {i, -1, 1, 1}, {b, -1, 1, 1}, {c, -1, 1, 1}, {ML1, -L1, L1,
     1}, {ML2, -L2, L2, 1}, {MS, -S, S, 1}, {MJ1, -J1, J1, 
    1}, {MJ2, -J2, J2, 1}, {L, 0, 2, 1}]

When I plug in certain numbers for the indices I get

Jsymbol[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
3 (-(2/15) + 2[{-1/30, L>=1, 0 True}])

But how do I interpret this? I tried to perform the sums for the three values of L that I am interested in, $L=0,1,2$, separately, and I get $-1/3,0,-7/15$, respectively, which I can't make agree with the previous answer. What am I misunderstanding?

Thank you in advance.