The integral diverges, please see Michael's answer for more detaldetail. This is just an answer reproducing result of v5.
Unlike higher versions, v5 is using very few points for the generation of graphic:
plot = Plot[T, {τ, 0, 6*10^3}]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {32.1406250 Second, Null} *)
plot[[1, 1, 1, 1]]
% // Length
To obtain the result in a reasonable time in higher versions, just limit the points for plotting:
Quiet@Plot[T, {τ, 0, 6*10^3}, MaxRecursion -> 0] // AbsoluteTiming
Still a bit slower than v5, but acceptable in my view.
Update: A More General Solution
The solution above works at least in v12.0.1, v12.1.1 and v11.3, but in v8.0.4 and v9.0.1 samples like
T /. τ -> 1 // AbsoluteTiming
returns unevaluated (to be precise, NIntegrate[…]
therein returns unevaluated) after nconv
warning generates. If one still needs the result in v5, a possible approach is to implement the "ExtrapolatingOscillatory"
method ourselves as I've done here:
Clear[int, separateint]
zero[i_] = Piecewise[{{BesselJZero[0, i], i > 0}}];
separateint[f_, t_, i_?NumericQ, prec_] :=
NIntegrate[BesselJ[0, y] f[y, t], {y, zero@i, zero[i + 1]}, WorkingPrecision -> prec,
MaxRecursion -> 40];
int[f_, t_?NumericQ, prec_ : MachinePrecision] :=
NSum[separateint[f, t, i, prec], {i, 0, Infinity}, Method -> "AlternatingSigns",
WorkingPrecision -> prec];
The usage of int
is as follows:
func[y_, τ_] =
1/Sqrt[(y^2 + w^2)^3]*1/d*(1 - Erf[(p*10^-15 - 1)/Sqrt[2]])*
Exp[(p*10^-15)^2/2 - p*10^-15*(1 - τ)]*y*w;
T = 10^18*Sqrt[π/2]*int[func, τ];
T /. τ -> 1
(* 84.0182 *)
Plot[T, {τ, 0, 6*10^3}, MaxRecursion -> 0] // AbsoluteTiming
The resulting graphic is the same as shown above, but the solution also works in v8.0.4 and v9.0.1.
This solution also works for the Tc
and Td
in your new question, on which NIntegrate
of v12 again returns unevaluated.