In this topic we considering nonlinear ODE:
$\frac{dx}{dt}= (x^4) \cdot a_1 \cdot sin(\omega_1 \cdot t)-a_1 \cdot sin(\omega_1 \cdot t + \frac{\pi}{2})$ - Chini ODE
And system of nonlinears ODE:
$\frac{dx}{dt}= (x^4+y^4) \cdot a_1 \cdot sin(\omega_1 \cdot t)-a_1 \cdot sin(\omega_1 \cdot t + \frac{\pi}{2})$
$\frac{dy}{dt}= (x^4+y^4) \cdot a_2 \cdot sin(\omega_2 \cdot t)-a_2 \cdot sin(\omega_2 \cdot t + \frac{\pi}{2})$
Chini ODE's NDSolve in Mathematica:
pars = {a1 = 0.25, ω1 = 1}
sol1 = NDSolve[{x'[t] == (x[t]^4) a1 Sin[ω1 t] - a1 Cos[ω1 t], x[0] == 1}, {x}, {t, 0, 200}]
Plot[Evaluate[x[t] /. sol1], {t, 0, 200}, PlotRange -> Full]
System of Chini ODE's NDSolve in Mathematica:
pars = {a1 = 0.25, ω1 = 3, a2 = 0.2, ω2 = 4}
sol2 = NDSolve[{x'[t] == (x[t]^4 + y[t]^4) a1 Sin[ω1 t] - a1 Cos[ω1 t], y'[t] == (x[t]^4 + y[t]^4) a2 Sin[ω2 t] - a2 Cos[ω2 t], x[0] == 1, y[0] == -1}, {x, y}, {t, 0, 250}]
Plot[Evaluate[{x[t], y[t]} /. sol2], {t, 0, 250}, PlotRange -> Full]
There is no exact solution to these equations, therefore, the task is to obtain an approximate solution.
Using AsymptoticDSolveValue
was ineffective, because the solution is not expanded anywhere except point 0
The numerical solution contains a strong periodic component; moreover, it is necessary to evaluate the oscillation parameters. Earlier, we solved this problem with some users as numerically: Estimation of parameters of limit cycles for systems of high-order differential equations (n> = 3)
How to approximate the solution of the equation by the Fourier series so that it contains the parameters of the original differential equation in symbolic form, namely $a_1$, $\omega_1$, $a_2$ and $\omega_2$.
I would be grateful for any help!