Do I have to use NDSolve?
If so, how?
Something like
L = 1;
Mp = 2;
Mc = 3;
θ0 = 5 Degree;
x1 = 0;
x0 = 4;
θ1 = 0;
g = 9.81;
ode1 = Cos[θ[t]] x''[t] - L θ''[t] + g Sin[θ[t]] == 0;
ode2 = - Mp L Cos[θ[t]] θ''[t] + Mp L Sin[θ[t]] (θ'[t])^2 + (Mc + Mp) x''[t] == 0;
ic = {θ[0] == θ0, θ'[0] == θ1, x[0] == x0, x'[0] == x1};
sol = NDSolve[{ode1,ode2,ic},{θ, x}, {t,0,5}]
See help on NDSolve
on how to do processing on result, i.e. plot, etc..