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Add multi-province plotting example.
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Rohit Namjoshi
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Update Plot data for several regions

provinces = {"lombardia", "sicilia"};
dataByProvince = covid19Italy /@ provinces;

dataByProvince //
  Map[(KeyTake[#, {"date", "total infected"}] &), #, {2}] & //   
  Values //
  Flatten[#, 1] & //
   ScalingFunctions -> "Log",
   PlotLegends -> Capitalize@provinces,
   PlotMarkers -> Automatic,
   PlotTheme -> "Detailed",
   PlotLabel -> Style["COVID-19 Italy - Total Infected by Province", 14, Black]] &

enter image description here

That code looks quite complicated. Here is an alternative (and I think, simpler) implementation.

covid19Italy[region_] := 
 Module[{header, convertDelta, insertZero, data, processedData},

  header = {"date", "total infected", "total infected change", 
    "total deaths", "total deaths change", "total healed", 
    "total healed change"};

  insertZero[n_] := ToString[n] <> " (+0)";

  convertDelta[s_] := 
   StringReplace[s, {"(" -> "", ")" -> ""}] // StringSplit // 

  data = Import["" <> 
      region <> "/", "Data"][[2, 2]];

  processedData = 
   data //
       MapAt[StringReplace[" In aggiornamento" -> ""] /*
         (DateObject[{# <> "/2020", {"Day", "/", "Month", "/", "Year"}}] &), #, {All, 1}] & //                 
      MapAt[insertZero, #, {-1, 2 ;;}] & //
     MapAt[convertDelta, #, {All, 2 ;;}] & //
  <|region -> (AssociationThread[header -> #] &) /@ processedData|>]

lombardia = covid19Italy["lombardia"];

lombardia // Map[KeyTake[#, {"date", "total infected"}] &] // DateListPlot

enter image description here

That code looks quite complicated. Here is an alternative (and I think, simpler) implementation.

covid19Italy[region_] := 
 Module[{header, convertDelta, insertZero, data, processedData},

  header = {"date", "total infected", "total infected change", 
    "total deaths", "total deaths change", "total healed", 
    "total healed change"};

  insertZero[n_] := ToString[n] <> " (+0)";

  convertDelta[s_] := 
   StringReplace[s, {"(" -> "", ")" -> ""}] // StringSplit // 

  data = Import["" <> 
      region <> "/", "Data"][[2, 2]];

  processedData = 
   data //
       MapAt[StringReplace[" In aggiornamento" -> ""] /*
         (DateObject[{# <> "/2020", {"Day", "/", "Month", "/", "Year"}}] &), #, {All, 1}] & //                 
      MapAt[insertZero, #, {-1, 2 ;;}] & //
     MapAt[convertDelta, #, {All, 2 ;;}] & //
  <|region -> (AssociationThread[header -> #] &) /@ processedData|>]

lombardia = covid19Italy["lombardia"];

lombardia // Map[KeyTake[#, {"date", "total infected"}] &] // DateListPlot

enter image description here

Update Plot data for several regions

provinces = {"lombardia", "sicilia"};
dataByProvince = covid19Italy /@ provinces;

dataByProvince //
  Map[(KeyTake[#, {"date", "total infected"}] &), #, {2}] & //   
  Values //
  Flatten[#, 1] & //
   ScalingFunctions -> "Log",
   PlotLegends -> Capitalize@provinces,
   PlotMarkers -> Automatic,
   PlotTheme -> "Detailed",
   PlotLabel -> Style["COVID-19 Italy - Total Infected by Province", 14, Black]] &

enter image description here

That code looks quite complicated. Here is an alternative (and I think, simpler) implementation.

covid19Italy[region_] := 
 Module[{header, convertDelta, insertZero, data, processedData},

  header = {"date", "total infected", "total infected change", 
    "total deaths", "total deaths change", "total healed", 
    "total healed change"};

  insertZero[n_] := ToString[n] <> " (+0)";

  convertDelta[s_] := 
   StringReplace[s, {"(" -> "", ")" -> ""}] // StringSplit // 

  data = Import["" <> 
      region <> "/", "Data"][[2, 2]];

  processedData = 
   data //
       MapAt[StringReplace[" In aggiornamento" -> ""] /*
         (DateObject[{# <> "/2020", {"Day", "/", "Month", "/", "Year"}}] &), #, {All, 1}] & //                 
      MapAt[insertZero, #, {-1, 2 ;;}] & //
     MapAt[convertDelta, #, {All, 2 ;;}] & //
  <|region -> (AssociationThread[header -> #] &) /@ processedData|>]

lombardia = covid19Italy["lombardia"];

lombardia // Map[KeyTake[#, {"date", "total infected"}] &] // DateListPlot

enter image description here

Source Link
Rohit Namjoshi
  • 10.3k
  • 6
  • 18
  • 69

That code looks quite complicated. Here is an alternative (and I think, simpler) implementation.

covid19Italy[region_] := 
 Module[{header, convertDelta, insertZero, data, processedData},

  header = {"date", "total infected", "total infected change", 
    "total deaths", "total deaths change", "total healed", 
    "total healed change"};

  insertZero[n_] := ToString[n] <> " (+0)";

  convertDelta[s_] := 
   StringReplace[s, {"(" -> "", ")" -> ""}] // StringSplit // 

  data = Import["" <> 
      region <> "/", "Data"][[2, 2]];

  processedData = 
   data //
       MapAt[StringReplace[" In aggiornamento" -> ""] /*
         (DateObject[{# <> "/2020", {"Day", "/", "Month", "/", "Year"}}] &), #, {All, 1}] & //                 
      MapAt[insertZero, #, {-1, 2 ;;}] & //
     MapAt[convertDelta, #, {All, 2 ;;}] & //
  <|region -> (AssociationThread[header -> #] &) /@ processedData|>]

lombardia = covid19Italy["lombardia"];

lombardia // Map[KeyTake[#, {"date", "total infected"}] &] // DateListPlot

enter image description here