I have an integral which doesn't give a closed definite expression. The command
Integrate[x DiracDelta[r x - y] Exp[1/g^2 {Cos[x2 - x] + Cos[x2] + Cos[y+x2]}], {x, 0, 2 Pi}, {y, 0, 2 Pi}, {x2, -Pi, Pi}]
returns the expression itself. Therefore I evaluate this numerically using NIntegrate
in order to understand the behaviour of the integral with $r$ and $g^2$.
In this situation my preferred way is to to obtain plots of the integral with respect to $g^2$ for a fixed $r$, and also with $r$ for a fixed $g^2$. How do I combine PlotPlot
and NIntegrateNIntegrate
together and get a plot for the same over some values for $r$ and $g^2$? In other words, I would need to iterate the NIntegrateNIntegrate
, and construct a list of points so as to plot on the graph. How do I achieve that?