With additional information, that second derivative is negative (which NMaximize should know anyway), you get the right result.
Edit: I think, this works, because second derivative reproduces the Sin and Cos term with same but negative prefactor, so that NMaximize can eliminate these terms.
NMaximize[{f[t], D[f[t], {t, 2}] < 0}, t]
(* {0.0108751, {t -> 17.0718}} *)
Even Maximize
does the job easily if you restrict t a little bit away from zero.
Maximize[{f[t], 10^-6 < t < 100}, t, Reals]
You get a root expression for t which you can use for further analytical calculations.
{t -> Root[{-998 E^(1/50 (-5 + 2 Sqrt[5]) #1) +
501 Sqrt[5] E^(1/50 (-5 + 2 Sqrt[5]) #1) -
998 E^(-(1/50) (5 + 2 Sqrt[5]) #1) -
501 Sqrt[5] E^(-(1/50) (5 + 2 Sqrt[5]) #1) + 1996 Cos[#1] -
400 Sin[#1] &, 17.0718136738254647391}]}