PL = {ForAll[{p, q, r}, and[p, or[p, not[p]]]True] == p],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[p, and[p, not[p]]]False] == p],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[p, or[p, not[p]]]True] == or[p, not[p]]]True],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, and[p, and[p, not[p]]]False] == and[p, not[p]]]False],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[p, p] == p],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, and[p, p] == p],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, not[not[p]] == p],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[p, q] == or[q, p]],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, and[p, q] == and[q, p]],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[or[p, q], r] == or[p, or[q, r]]],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, and[and[p, q], r] == and[p, and[q, r]]],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[p, and[q, r]] == and[or[p, q], or[p, r]]],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, and[p, or[q, r]] == or[and[p, q], and[p, r]]],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, not[and[p, q]] == or[not[p], not[q]]],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, not[or[p, q]] == and[not[p], not[q]]],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[p, and[p, q]] == p],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, and[p, or[p, q]] == p],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[p, not[p]] == True],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, and[p, not[p]] == False]}
proof = FindEquationalProof[
ForAll[{p, q, r},
not[or[and[and[pand[or[and[and[r, q]not[q]], not[p]], and[not[and[p
and[q, q]]not[and[q, p]]]not[or[p, r]]]]]],
not[and[p, not[and[q, not[r]]]]]] ==
or[not[p]or[and[and[p, q]]q], not[and[r, q]]], and[r, not[p]]]], PL]
$$\neg(((p\land q)\land \neg p)\lor(\neg(p\land q)\land p))\equiv\neg p \lor q$$$$((r ∧ ¬q ∧ ¬p) ∨ (q ∧ ¬(q ∧ ¬(p ∨ r)))) ∧ ¬(p ∧ ¬(q ∧ ¬r))$$
$$\equiv(p ∧ q ∧ ¬(r ∧ q)) ∨ (r ∧ ¬p)$$
not[or[and[and[pand[or[and[and[r, q]not[q]], not[p]], and[not[and[p,
q]], p]]] == or[not[p], q]]
But seems not work, i tried shorter ones, which works fine, is it because this statement too long or something I missed $?$
Any help would be appreciated.
I added last two axioms from Logical equivalence:
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[p, not[p]] == True],
ForAll[{pand[q, qnot[and[q, r}not[or[p, and[pr]]]]]], not[p]] == False]
Seems works now.
And $1-4$ can also changes to:
ForAll[{p, q, r}, and[p, True] == p],
ForAll[{p, q, r} not[and[p, or[pnot[and[q, False]not[r]]]]]] == p],
ForAll[{p, q, r}, or[p, True] == True],
ForAll[{p or[and[and[p, qq], r}not[and[r, and[pq]]], False]and[r, ==not[p]]]], False]PL]
But seems not work, i tried shorter ones, which works fine, is it because this statement too long or something I missed $?$
Any help would be appreciated.