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coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]; 

###Arrowheads + Clock

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3]}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

With a custom arrowhead:

pnt = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], Point[{0, 0}]}]; 

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3], pnt}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

Multiple points moving at different speeds on the boundary of an arbitrary polygon and stopping after three tours:

coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {10, 2}];
pnts = Table[Graphics[{ColorData[63, "ColorList"][[i]], AbsolutePointSize[15], 
     Point[{0, 0}]}], {i, 5}];

   Arrowheads[Table[{.05, Mod[i/5 + Clock[{0, 1}, i, 3], 1], pnts[[i]]}, {i, 1, 
   Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {{-.1, 1.1}, {-.1, 1.1}}]]

enter image description here

###Arrowheads + Animate

Animate[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, t, pnt}}], Blue, Arrow @ coords}, 
  Axes -> False], {t, 0, 1}]

enter image description here

coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]; 

Arrowheads + Clock

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3]}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

With a custom arrowhead:

pnt = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], Point[{0, 0}]}]; 

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3], pnt}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

Multiple points moving at different speeds on the boundary of an arbitrary polygon and stopping after three tours:

coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {10, 2}];
pnts = Table[Graphics[{ColorData[63, "ColorList"][[i]], AbsolutePointSize[15], 
     Point[{0, 0}]}], {i, 5}];

   Arrowheads[Table[{.05, Mod[i/5 + Clock[{0, 1}, i, 3], 1], pnts[[i]]}, {i, 1, 
   Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {{-.1, 1.1}, {-.1, 1.1}}]]

enter image description here

Arrowheads + Animate

Animate[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, t, pnt}}], Blue, Arrow @ coords}, 
  Axes -> False], {t, 0, 1}]

enter image description here

coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]; 

###Arrowheads + Clock

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3]}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

With a custom arrowhead:

pnt = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], Point[{0, 0}]}]; 

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3], pnt}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

Multiple points moving at different speeds on the boundary of an arbitrary polygon and stopping after three tours:

coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {10, 2}];
pnts = Table[Graphics[{ColorData[63, "ColorList"][[i]], AbsolutePointSize[15], 
     Point[{0, 0}]}], {i, 5}];

   Arrowheads[Table[{.05, Mod[i/5 + Clock[{0, 1}, i, 3], 1], pnts[[i]]}, {i, 1, 
   Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {{-.1, 1.1}, {-.1, 1.1}}]]

enter image description here

###Arrowheads + Animate

Animate[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, t, pnt}}], Blue, Arrow @ coords}, 
  Axes -> False], {t, 0, 1}]

enter image description here

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coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]; 

Arrowheads + Clock

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3]}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

With a custom arrowhead:

pnt = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], Point[{0, 0}]}]; 

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3], pnt}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

Multiple points moving at different speeds on the boundary of an arbitrary polygon and stopping after three tours:

coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {10, 2}];
pnts = Table[Graphics[{ColorData[63, "ColorList"][[i]], AbsolutePointSize[15], 
     Point[{0, 0}]}], {i, 5}];

   Arrowheads[Table[{.05, Mod[i/5 + Clock[{0, 1}, i, 3], 1], pnts[[i]]}, {i, 1, 
   Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {{-.1, 1.1}, {-.1, 1.1}}]]

enter image description here

Arrowheads + Animate

Animate[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, t, pnt}}], Blue, Arrow @ coords}, 
  Axes -> False], {t, 0, 1}]

enter image description here

coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]; 

Arrowheads + Clock

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3]}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

With a custom arrowhead:

pnt = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], Point[{0, 0}]}]; 

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3], pnt}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

Arrowheads + Animate

Animate[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, t, pnt}}], Blue, Arrow @ coords}, 
  Axes -> False], {t, 0, 1}]

enter image description here

coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]; 

Arrowheads + Clock

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3]}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

With a custom arrowhead:

pnt = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], Point[{0, 0}]}]; 

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3], pnt}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

Multiple points moving at different speeds on the boundary of an arbitrary polygon and stopping after three tours:

coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {10, 2}];
pnts = Table[Graphics[{ColorData[63, "ColorList"][[i]], AbsolutePointSize[15], 
     Point[{0, 0}]}], {i, 5}];

   Arrowheads[Table[{.05, Mod[i/5 + Clock[{0, 1}, i, 3], 1], pnts[[i]]}, {i, 1, 
   Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {{-.1, 1.1}, {-.1, 1.1}}]]

enter image description here

Arrowheads + Animate

Animate[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, t, pnt}}], Blue, Arrow @ coords}, 
  Axes -> False], {t, 0, 1}]

enter image description here

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coords = Append[#, First@#] &@RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]; 

Arrowheads + Clock

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3]}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

With a custom arrowhead:

pnt = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], Point[{0, 0}]}]; 

Dynamic[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, Clock[{0, 1}, 5, 3], pnt}}], 
   Blue, Arrow @ coords}, Axes -> False]]

enter image description here

Arrowheads + Animate

Animate[Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{.05, t, pnt}}], Blue, Arrow @ coords}, 
  Axes -> False], {t, 0, 1}]

enter image description here