There is a new monograph on Electric Currents that accompanies the new function ElectricCurrentPDEComponent and related boundary conditions
The new function VonMisesStress computes, well, the von Mises Stress
The SolidMechanicsPDEComponent now has extended support for non axes aligned material. These now support thermal and/or initial strains and there are new examples explaining the functionality.
There are example of how to couple SystemModeler with the PDEModeling. SystemModeler drives the PDEModel example Room Heating and a PDEModel drives SystemModeler example Beam - Spring - Mass
New application examples Electrostatically actuated MEMS device, Thermal Contact, Blood flow modeling in cerebral aneurysm, ....
OpenCascadeLink now supports 2D Drafting:
- A new Mass Transport PDE model tutorial has been added. Accompanying the tutorial two application examples have been added: Microscale Simulation of Catalyst Deactivation and Catalytic Converter
- The OpenCascadeLink got a few updates and is now available from the Wolfram GitHub page
Update 12.1:
I'd like to point point out additions to the FEM framework that fix or alleviate the requests put forward here.
- FEM Programming tutorial extensions. Here I added more examples of how to make use of the low level functions. For example there is a new section on Transient PDEs with Nonlinear Transient Coefficients with this you can model phase change for example. Another new section Transient PDEs with Integral Coefficients shows how to solve transient integral PDEs. These additions are to alleviate this request.
- There is a new tutorial NDSolve Options for Finite Elements on all possible options for the stationary finite element solver. The time dependent options will follow in a future version. This is to alleviate this and in particular this request. Where the second one is not fully fulfilled because it lacks specific application examples. This will remain the case until I get customer examples that I can share.
- OpenCascaseLink. The link provides an initial interface to OpenCascade's Computer Aided Design (CAD) engine. Among many features there is also a new boundary mesh generator called "OpenCascade" that works well for 3D symbolic boolean regions. It's not the default yet depending on how it behaves in the wild it may become the default in a future version. What also may be of interest is the capability to read and write some STEP files (AP203/AP214). This addition is to alleviate this request and partially this one.
- PDE model tutorial extensions. The PDEModels Overview shows the current PDE models available. We now have tutorials for Acoustics and HeatTransfer. Additionally, there are application examples model from Acoustics, Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer and Multiphysics. These are long modeling examples. Also you find links to short documentation examples on this overview page. This is certainly something we will see more of in the future. These additions are to start to address this request.
- Iterative solvers. This was not explicitly requested here, but I could imagine this is of interest to some people here too. Both the FEM Options tutorial and the FEM Usage Tips tutorial have sections on how to make use the iterative solvers.