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This is one of those "I'm not even sure how to ask this" kind of questions. You could be asking any (or all) of the following three questions.

This is one of those "I'm not even sure how to ask this" kind of questions. You could be asking any (or all) of the following three questions.

This is one of those "I'm not even sure how to ask this" kind of questions. You could be asking any (or all) of the following questions.

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This is one of those "I'm not even sure how to ask this" kind of questions. You could be asking any (or all) of the following three questions.

How do I add a legend to appear on a ListContourPlot?

All you need to do is add PlotLegends->Automatic to your ListContourPlot:

a1=ListContourPlot[data, Contours->25,Axes->False,
  PlotRangePadding->0, Frame->False,ColorFunction->"DarkRainbow", 
  PlotRange->{0.001,100}, PlotLegends->Automatic];

The legend will be drawn on the same 3D surface as its associated plot.

How do I make a BarLegend object into a Graphics object?

It already is a Graphics object in StandardForm. From the docs:

BarLegend is displayed in StandardForm as a graphics object.

How do I place a Graphics object in the Epilog of a Graphics3D object?

Use Epilog with Inset to position the object.

vr = BarLegend[{"DarkRainbow", {0, Max[data]}}, 25];
out = Show[a2, gr, PlotRange -> All, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, 
BoxStyle -> Directive[Dashed, Black, Thin], 
ViewPoint -> {-0.35, -2, 1.5}, 
AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "Proportion"}, 
LabelStyle -> Directive[Blue, Bold], 
Ticks -> {{{0, 0}, {40, 0.5}, {80, 1}, {120, 1.5}, {160, 2}, 
{200,  2.5}}, {{0, 0}, {40, 0.5}, {80, 1}, {120, 1.5}, {160, 
2}, {200,  2.5}}, {0, 0.5, 1}}, ImageSize -> Large, 
Epilog -> Inset[vr, {Right, Center}, {Right, Center}]]

The object will sit in front of the 3D object and will not move as the 3D object is rotated.

How do I place a Graphics object wherever I want in the scene of a Graphics3D object?

It should be the same as you did with the ListContourPlot a1, but the ListPlot3D a2 disappears every time I try it. Must be a bug.

vr = BarLegend[{"DarkRainbow", {0, Max[data]}}, 25];
legendLeft = 190; legendWidth = 40; 
legendHeight = 200; legendDepth = 100;
legend3D = 
  Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], {Texture[
      Rasterize[vr, Background -> None, ImageResolution -> 200]], 
     Polygon[{{legendLeft, legendDepth, 0}, {legendLeft + legendWidth,
         legendDepth, 0}, {legendLeft + legendWidth, legendDepth, 
        legendHeight}, {legendLeft, legendDepth, legendHeight}}, 
      VertexTextureCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}}]}}];

out = Show[a2, gr, legend3D, PlotRange -> All, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1},
   BoxStyle -> Directive[Dashed, Black, Thin], 
  ViewPoint -> {-0.35, -2, 1.5}, 
  AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "Proportion"}, 
  LabelStyle -> Directive[Blue, Bold], 
  Ticks -> {{{0, 0}, {40, 0.5}, {80, 1}, {120, 1.5}, {160, 2}, {200, 
  2.5}}, {{0, 0}, {40, 0.5}, {80, 1}, {120, 1.5}, {160, 2}, {200, 
  2.5}}, {0, 0.5, 1}}, ImageSize -> Large]