I am trying to use ListLinePlot to plot three "Components" of my TemporalData in Mathematica. The three components differ widely in the range of the data. So, I want to Rescale each component and plot.
I used the Rescale function on each "Components". This works well if there is no missing data in the Component. However, it does not plot if there is missing data. I know there is a RescaleTimeSeries function to scale the time axis. Is there a corresponding function for the y-axis.
@Gladaed, Here is an example with two components:
r = {11, 13, 2, 7, 17, 8};
s = {2, 1, 6, 5, 7, 4};
t = {1, 2, 5, 10, 12, 15};
td = TemporalData[{r, s}, {t}]
rmissing = {11, 13, Missing["No Data"], 7, 17, 8};
tdmissing = TemporalData[{rmissing, s}, {t}]
grp0 = ListLinePlot[td]
grpmissing = ListLinePlot[tdmissing]
grp1 = ListLinePlot[{Rescale[td["Components"][[1]]], Rescale[td["Components"][[2]]]}]
grprescaledandmissing = ListLinePlot[{Rescale[tdmissing["Components"][[1]]], Rescale[tdmissing["Components"][[2]]]}]
You will see that the Rescaled Plot "grprescaledandmissing" does not plot the Component with missing data. The regular ListLinePlot "grpmissing" that is not Rescaled is fine.