Want to use the API from this site. I'm having trouble using the same parameters.
But I can do this with curl as shown on the site:
-F url=http://sbml.org/validator/api/sample-01.xml
-F output=xml
-F offcheck=u
But I can't get the same with Mathematica:
t1 = URLExecute@HTTPRequest["httpURLExecute @ HTTPRequest[
, <|"Method" -> "POST",
, "Headers" -> {
"Content-Type" -> "multipart/form-data;",
, "Expect" -> ""},
"MultipartElements" ->}
, "MultipartElements" -> {
{"name=\"url\";"} -> "http://sbml.org/validator/api/sample-01.xml"
, CharacterEncoding -> None
ImportString[StringJoin[t1], "XHTML"]
File : null
Options :
Units consistency checking: on Identifier consistency checking: on \
MathML consistency checking: on SBO consistency checking: on \
Overdetermined model checking: on Modeling practices checking: on \
Overall SBML consistency checking: on Remove unrecognized packages: \
on Results: No model was given or it could not be resolved.