I think you want a nested GroupBy
tdsMeans = tds[GroupBy["series"], GroupBy["trial"], Mean /* toKey["mean"], "val"]
using the helper operator:
toKey[k_][v_] :=Association[k= Association[k ->v]> v]
To address OP's comment re: ungrouping nested associations for further processing.
There are currently gaps in the language but using some 1-liners can help. for example here ungrouping using the helper associationSerialize
tdsMeans[associationSerialize] (* normalized view *)
The "mean" can be projected out beforehand:
tdsMeans[All, All, Values][associationSerialize]
associationSerialize=associationFlattenassociationSerialize = associationFlatten /*KeyValueMap[List* KeyValueMap[List /*Flatten]* Flatten]
associationFlatten[as_Association] :=Map[keyFlatten= Map[keyFlatten, as, {0,\[Infinity] ∞}]
keyFlatten[as_Association] :=Association[Flatten[Map[Normal][KeyValueMap[List= Association[Flatten[Map[Normal][KeyValueMap[
List /*Replace[* Replace[{{a_, b_Association} :>KeyMap[> KeyMap[{a, #1} &, b], {a_, b_} :>Association[a>
Association[a ->b]> b]}]][as]]]]
keyFlatten[l_List] :=l= l
keyFlatten[a_ /;AtomQ[a]]; AtomQ[a]] :=a= a
(extra characters since all I did was fix a typo)