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The system consists of 19 equations and has 19 variables. Should I start to doubt the validity of Sard's theorem orIs it possible that this is theredue to a problem with FindRoot? (From the context of the problem it seems that there should be a solution and that the solutions should be locally unique.)

When I change the value of k to k=0 at the beginning, then I instead always get the error message 'The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified
by AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was unable to find a sufficient
decrease in the merit function. You may need more than
MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet these tolerances.'

The system consists of 19 equations and has 19 variables. Should I start to doubt the validity of Sard's theorem or is there a problem with FindRoot?

The system consists of 19 equations and has 19 variables. Is it possible that this is due to a problem with FindRoot? (From the context of the problem it seems that there should be a solution and that the solutions should be locally unique.)

When I change the value of k to k=0 at the beginning, then I instead always get the error message 'The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified
by AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was unable to find a sufficient
decrease in the merit function. You may need more than
MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet these tolerances.'

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Findroot apparently claiming to find singular Jacobians at all initial points for a system of 19 equations with 19 unknowns

The following code symbolically computes a system of equations and then applies FindRoot to it. When I run code the message 'Encountered a singular Jacobian...' comes up, for all initial points that I have tried.

k = 0.5;
fA = Max[0, Min[1, (1/h)*(Log[(pAC - k)/(pA - k)] + pAC/(pAC - k) - pA*(pA - k))]]; 
fB = Max[0, Min[1, (1/h)*(Log[(pBC - k)/(pB - k)] + pBC/(pBC - k) - pB*(pB - k))]]; 
zAB = Max[0, Min[1, 1/2 + (1/(2*g))*(Log[(pB - k)/(pA - k)] + pB/(pB - k) - pA/(pA - k))]]; 
zC = Max[0, Min[1, 1/2 + (1/(2*g))*(Log[(pBC - k)/(pAC - k)] + pBC/(pBC - k) - pAC/(pAC - k))]]; 
rAA = fA*zAB - (1/2)*Max[0, zAB - zC]*Max[0, fA - fB]; 
rBB = fB*(1 - zAB) - (1/2)*Max[0, (1 - zAB) - (1 - zC)]*Max[0, fB - fA]; 
rAC = (1 - fA)*zC - (1/2)*Max[0, zC - zAB]*Max[0, (1 - fA) - (1 - fB)]; 
rBC = (1 - fB)*(1 - zC) - (1/2)*Max[0, (1 - zC) - (1 - zAB)]*Max[0, (1 - fB) - (1 - fA)]; 
disutilityAA = fA*zAB*(h*(fA/2) + g*(zAB/2)) - (1/2)*Max[0, zAB - zC]*Max[0, fA - fB]*(h*(fA - (1/3)*(fA - fB)) + g*(zAB - (1/3)*(zAB - zC))); 
disutilityBB = fB*(1 - zAB)*(h*(fB/2) + g*((1 - zAB)/2)) - (1/2)*Max[0, (1 - zAB) - (1 - zC)]*Max[0, fB - fA]*
     (h*(fB - (1/3)*(fB - fA)) + g*((1 - zAB) - (1/3)*((1 - zAB) - (1 - zC)))); 
disutilityAC = (1 - fA)*zC*(h*((1 - fA)/2) + g*(zC/2)) - (1/2)*Max[0, zC - zAB]*Max[0, (1 - fA) - (1 - fB)]*
     (h*((1 - fA) - (1/3)*((1 - fA) - (1 - fB)) + g*(zC - (1/3)*(zC - zAB)))); 
disutilityBC = (1 - fB)*(1 - zC)*(h*((1 - fB)/2) + g*((1 - zC)/2)) - (1/2)*Max[0, (1 - zC) - (1 - zAB)]*(h*((1 - fB) - (1/3)*((1 - fB) - (1 - fA))) + 
      g*((1 - zC) - (1/3)*((1 - zC) - (1 - zAB))));
everythingintermsofplayersactions = {xA -> 1/(pA - k), xAC -> 1/(pAC - k), xB -> 1/(pB - k), xBC -> 1/(pBC - k)};
\[Pi]A = (pA/(1 + tA) - c)*xA*(mA + rAA*mC) + (pAC/(1 + tC) - c)*xAC*rAC*mC //. everythingintermsofplayersactions; 
\[Pi]B = (pB/(1 + tB) - c)*xB*(mB + rBB*mC) + (pBC/(1 + tC) - c)*xBC*rBC*mC //. everythingintermsofplayersactions; 
focA = D[\[Pi]A, pA] == 0; 
focAC = D[\[Pi]A, pAC] == 0; 
focB = D[\[Pi]B, pB] == 0; 
focBC = D[\[Pi]B, pBC] == 0; 
dependenceontaxes = {pA -> pA[tA, tB, tC], pB -> pB[tA, tB, tC]}; 
focsp = {focA, focAC, focB, focBC} /. dependenceontaxes; 
t = {tA, tB, tC}; 
dfocspbydt = D[focsp, {t}]; 
\[Pi]Aasafunctionoft = \[Pi]A /. dependenceontaxes; 
\[Pi]Basafunctionoft = \[Pi]B /. dependenceontaxes; 
sA = \[Pi]A + (tA/(1 + tA))*pA*xA*(mA + mC*rAA) + mA*(xA*k - xA*pA) //. everythingintermsofplayersactions /. dependenceontaxes; 
sB = \[Pi]B + (tB/(1 + tB))*pB*xB*(mB + mC*rBB) + mB*(yB*k - xB*pB) //. everythingintermsofplayersactions /. dependenceontaxes; 
  sC = (tC/(1 + tC))*mC*(rBC*xBC*pBC + rAC*xAC*pAC) + mC*(k*(rAA*xA + rBB*xB + rAC*xAC + rBC*xBC) - rAA*xA*pA - rBB*xB*pB - rAC*xAC*pAC - rBC*xBC*pBC) - 
      disutilityAA - disutilityAC - disutilityBB - disutilityBC //. everythingintermsofplayersactions /. dependenceontaxes; 
focsA = D[sA, tA] == 0; 
focsB = D[sB, tB] == 0; 
focsC = D[sC, tC] == 0; 
allconditions = Join[Flatten[focsp], Flatten[dfocspbydt], {focsA}, {focsB}, {focsC}]; 
allconditionswithoutfunctions = 
   allconditions /. pAC[tA, tB, tC] -> pAC /. pA[tA, tB, tC] -> pA /. pB[tA, tB, tC] -> pB /. pBC[tA, tB, tC] -> pBC /. Derivative[1, 0, 0][pA][tA, tB, tC] -> 
                dpAdtA /. Derivative[0, 1, 0][pA][tA, tB, tC] -> dpAdtB /. Derivative[0, 0, 1][pA][tA, tB, tC] -> dpAdtC /. Derivative[1, 0, 0][pAC][tA, tB, tC] -> 
             dpACdtA /. Derivative[0, 1, 0][pAC][tA, tB, tC] -> dpACdtB /. Derivative[0, 0, 1][pAC][tA, tB, tC] -> dpACdtC /. 
         Derivative[1, 0, 0][pB][tA, tB, tC] -> dpBdtA /. Derivative[0, 1, 0][pB][tA, tB, tC] -> dpBdtB /. Derivative[0, 0, 1][pB][tA, tB, tC] -> dpBdtC /. 
      Derivative[1, 0, 0][pBC][tA, tB, tC] -> dpBCdtA /. Derivative[0, 1, 0][pBC][tA, tB, tC] -> dpBCdtB /. Derivative[0, 0, 1][pBC][tA, tB, tC] -> dpBCdtC; 
parameters = {\[Rho] -> 1/2, c -> 1, mA -> 1/3, mB -> 1/3, mC -> 1/3, g -> 0.15, h -> 0.2}; 
allconditionswithoutfunctionswithnumbers = allconditionswithoutfunctions /. parameters; 
FindRoot[{allconditionswithoutfunctionswithnumbers}, {{tA, 0.43}, {tB, 0.44}, {tC, 0.88}, {pAC, 6.1}, {pA, 4.}, {pBC, 7.1}, {pB, 3.2}, {dpAdtA, 1.1}, {dpAdtB, 1.2}, 
   {dpAdtC, 1.05}, {dpACdtA, 1.06}, {dpACdtB, 1.03}, {dpACdtC, 1.02}, {dpBdtA, 1.04}, {dpBdtB, 1.03}, {dpBdtC, 1.01}, {dpBCdtA, 1.02}, {dpBCdtB, 1.04}, 
   {dpBCdtC, 1.03}}]

The system consists of 19 equations and has 19 variables. Should I start to doubt the validity of Sard's theorem or is there a problem with FindRoot?