When I integrate the product of two DiracDelta
functions, I expect to get a single DiracDelta
, i.e.,
Integrate[DiracDelta[x-y] DiracDelta[x-z],{x,-Infinity,Infinity}] = DiracDelta[y-z]
which works as expected.
However, sometimes the integral of a product of DiracDelta functions does not give athe correct result.
For For instance, you one would expect,:
Integrate[DiracDelta[u+z(1-x)] DiracDelta[v-z y], {z,-Infinity,Infinity}] = DiracDelta[v(1-x)+u y]
On the contrary from expected result, you getbut instead gets a convergence error: "Integral of ... does not converge on {-$\infty, \infty$}".
"Integral of ... does not converge on {-infinity, infinity}".
The strange thing is, if you write it instead withthis integral changing $x \to 1-x$, then you get the expected result.:
Integrate[DiracDelta[u+z x] DiracDelta[v-z y], {z,-Infinity,Infinity}] = DiracDelta[v x+u y]
What's going on?