You can use your conditions directly with ConditionalExpression
without going through Reduce
Plot[ConditionalExpression[(x^2 + 1)/ x,
((x^2 + 1)/x)^2 > 4 && ((x^2 + 1)/x)^3 < 64], {x, -3, 3}]
Similarly, you get the same result using Piecewise
Plot[Piecewise[{{(x^2 + 1)/x, ((x^2 + 1)/x)^2 > 4 && ((x^2 + 1)/x)^3 < 64}},
Indeterminate], {x, -3, 3}]
If have to use Reduce
, it can be used with ConditionalExpression
and Piecewise
as follows:
Plot[Evaluate@ConditionalExpression[(x^2 + 1)/x,
Reduce[((x^2 + 1)/x)^2 > 4 && ((x^2 + 1)/x)^3 < 64, x, Reals]], {x, -3, 3}]
Plot[Evaluate@Piecewise[{{(x^2 + 1)/x,
Reduce[((x^2 + 1)/x)^2 > 4 && ((x^2 + 1)/x)^3 < 64, x, Reals]}},
Indeterminate], {x, -3, 3}]
This givesBoth give the same output as above.