Maybe this will be[First answer was wrong - deleted.]
New answer
I rather like Carl Woll's advice, but the problem is an acceptable practical workaroundinteresting exercise nonetheless. Add
Here's an approach that leverages the fact that Mathematics rewrites pattern parameters (adds a def[boo_] := $
in front of) when code is injected. Wrap all functionsthe definitions in booHold
to be localized. Then calland add the list of symbols defined by the definitions:
Hold[code, symbols]
Then inject def[boo]code
insideinto the definition of the top-level function, with symbols
localized with Module
. Here's an example that has several definitions to show better how it works (and was a problem in my original answer):
Remove[boo]; (* gives error if youClearAll[foo];
haven't defined boo asboo[a_Integer] in:= theModule[{b first= code5}, inb OP+ *)
def[boo_] := boo[a_] boo[a_Real] := Module[{b = 5}, b +- a];
foo[a_] boo[a_] := boo2[a];
boo2[a_] := Module[{boob = 10}, a*b],
def[boo];{boo, boo2}
] /.
boo[2 a]];Hold[code_, symbols_] :>
(*foo[a_] this:= changeModule[symbols,
was convenient in my testing :)code;
* {boo[2 a], boo2[a]}])
(* {11, 30} *)
DownValues@boo foo[3.]
(* show the definition of boo{-1., is30.} localized *)
(* {20 x, 10 x} *)
Check the definition of foo
? foo