Not 100% clear from the question but I tried to reproduce the integral
Integrate[Sqrt[1 + b + 2 a x], {x, x1, x2}]
(* ConditionalExpression[(-(1 + b + 2 a x1)^(
3/2) + (1 + b + 2 a x2)^(3/2))/(3 a),
Re[(1 + b + 2 a x1)/(2 a x1 - 2 a x2)] > 1 ||
Re[(1 + b + 2 a x1)/(2 a x1 - 2 a x2)] < 0 || (1 + b + 2 a x1)/(
2 a x1 - 2 a x2) ∉ Reals] *)
I got a different answer (so again, not sure if I reproduced the integral as intended).
To get rid of the Conditional
I made some assumptions that it was desired to stay inWith the Real
domain.corrected integration equations
Element[aAssuming[Element[a &&| b &&| x1 &&| x2, Reals] && b + 2 a x1 > 1 && ,
bIntegrate[Sqrt[1 + (2 a x2 > 1, Integrate[Sqrt[1x + b + 2 a x])^2], {x, x1, x2}]]]
(* ConditionalExpression[(1/(3
4 a))(-b Sqrt[1 + (b + 2 a x1]x1)^2] -
2 a x1 Sqrt[1 + (b + 2 a x1]x1)^2] +
b Sqrt[1 + (b + 2 a x2]x2)^2] +
2 a x2 Sqrt[1 + (b + 2 a x2]x2)^2] +-
b (-Sqrt[1 + bArcSinh[b + 2 a x1] + Sqrt[1 + bArcSinh[b + 2 a x2])), x1 < x2] *)
Then usingDefine a function to create the output aboveforward model for Solvel
produced a result (notegiven the other inputs: I used lower-case "l" rather than upper-case "L", a general recommendation is to stay away from upper-case symbols so as not to collide with pre-defined system symbols).
lfun[a_, lb_, ==x1_, x2_] :=
1/(34 a) (-Sqrt[1 + b + 2 a x1] - 2 a x1 Sqrt[1 + (b + 2 a x1]x1)^2] +-
Sqrt[1 + b + 2 a x2] + 2 a x2x1 Sqrt[1 + (b + 2 a x2] +
b (-Sqrt[1x1)^2] + b + 2 a x1] + Sqrt[1 + (b + 2 a x2])), x2]
(* {{x2 -> -((1 + b)/(2 a))^2] +
1/2 (1/a^3 + (3 b)/a^3 + (3 b^2)/a^3 + b^3/a^3 + (9 l^2)/a + (
6 x1)/a^2 + (12 b x1)/a^2 + (6 b^2 x1)/a^2 + (12 x1^2)/a + (
12 b x1^2)/a + 8 x1^3 + (6 lx2 Sqrt[1 + (b + 2 a x1]x2)/a^2 + (
6 b l Sqrt[1^2] +- bArcSinh[b + 2 a x1])/a^2 + (
12 l x1 Sqrt[1 + bArcSinh[b + 2 a x1])/a)^(1/3)}, {x2 -> -((1 + bx2])/(
Compute a test example
lfun[1, 2 a)) - 1/
4 (1 - I Sqrt[3]), (1/a^3 + (3 b)/a^3 +, (32] b^2)/a^3 + b^3/a^3 + (N
9 l^2)/a + (6 x1)/a^2 + (12 b x1)/a^2 + (6 b^2 x1)/a^2 + (
12 x1^2)/a + (12* b5.1003 x1^2*)/a + 8 x1^3 + (
6 l Sqrt[1 + b
Use FindMinimum
to compute x2
assuming the other inputs are known:
2 a x1])/a^2= +1,
(6 b l Sqrt[1 + b += 2 a x1])/,
a^2 + (12 l x1 Sqrt[1 + b + 2 a= x1])/a)^(1/3)}, {x2 -> -((
1 + b)/(2 a))l -= 5.1003
1/4 (1 + I Sqrt[3]) (1/a^3 + (3 b)/a^3 + (3 b^2)/a^3 + b^3/a^3 + (},
9 l^2)/a + FindMinimum[(6 x1)/a^2l +- (12lfun[a, b, x1)/a^2 + (6 b^2, x1x2])/a^2 +^2, (x2]
12 x1^2)/a + (12 b x1^2)/a + 8 x1^3 + (]
6 l Sqrt[1 + b + 2 a x1])/a^2 + (6 b l Sqrt[1 + b + 2 a x1])/
a^2 + (12 l x1 Sqrt[1* +{1.76173*10^-20, b{x2 +-> 2 a x1])/a)^(1/3).}} *)