Using same net and similar data,but MSE loss is very different.
This is the original data,and it can not learn very well.
originalData = Get[""];
originalGenerator = <|"EmbeddingLayerInput" -> Rationalize@#[[All, 1]], "Input2" -> #[[All, 2 ;; 13]], "Output" -> #[[All, 14 ;;]]|> &@RandomSample[originalData, #BatchSize] &;
originalGenerator[<|"BatchSize" -> 3|>]
net = NetGraph[{EmbeddingLayer[128, "Input" -> NetEncoder[{"Class", Range[0, Max@data[[All, 1]]]}]],
CatenateLayer[], 512, Ramp, 43},
{NetPort["EmbeddingLayerInput"] -> 1 -> 2, NetPort["Input2"] -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5},
"Input2" -> 12]
NetTrain[net, originalGenerator, MeanSquaredLossLayer[],
"LossEvolutionPlot", BatchSize -> 300, MaxTrainingRounds -> 200]
And this is test data,it learns well.
INPUTNOTE = Length[originalData];
testData = Transpose[{Join[List /@ originalData[[All, 1]], RandomReal[1, {INPUTNOTE, 12}], 2], RandomReal[1, {INPUTNOTE, 43}]}];
testGenerator = <|"EmbeddingLayerInput" -> Rationalize@#[[All, 1, 1]],"Input2" -> #[[All, 1, 2 ;;]], "Output" -> #[[All, 2]]|> &@RandomSample[testData, #BatchSize] &;
testGenerator[<|"BatchSize" -> 3|>]
NetTrain[net, testGenerator, MeanSquaredLossLayer[],
"LossEvolutionPlot", BatchSize -> 300, MaxTrainingRounds -> 200]
So why using similar data but different level of MES loss?
I guess weather the scale of different dimensions is too big,so I try originalData[[All, 72 ;;]] = Standardize /@ originalData[[All, 72 ;;]];
,but not work.
And how to pre-process data to get much smaller MSE loss?
Ps: I draw the histogram of every dimension of data,yellow is original data,red is test data:
originalHist = Histogram[#, 10, Ticks -> None] & /@ Transpose[originalData];
testHist = Histogram[#, 10, Ticks -> None] & /@ Transpose[Flatten /@ testData];
GraphicsGrid[Partition[Flatten@Transpose@{originalHist, testHist}, 8],Frame -> All, Background -> {{{LightYellow, LightRed}}, None}]
View the histogram plot can find the histogram of test data is more stable.Is this the reason why second example better than first?