A straight forward approach is to simply generate all the combinations you don't want and use Complement
to remove them from all the possible numbers. You can generate all possible combinations using Tuples
Complement[Tuples[{0, 1}, {8}], expandBinRep@{{x, x, x, x, 0, x, x, 1}}]
I would emphasise that this might lead you to deal with huge lists of numbers when it might not bee needed.
An alternative route might be to take the description of numbers to exclude {x,1,0,x}
and generate descriptions that can generate remaining numbers, for this example; {x,0,x,x}
and {x,x,1,x}
. This is done simply by making one difference so it doesn't match and letting all other digits be free:
Abs[1 - v[[#]]],#]&/@ Flatten[Position[v,0|1]]
However with this definition the descriptions overlap, so you'd need Union
to make them only appear once:
invertDescription[{x, x, x, x, 0, x, x, 1}] // expandBinRep // Union
I believe that this definition solves the problem of overlapping patterns:
invertDescription[v_] :=
PadRight[Append[v[[1 ;; # - 1]], Abs[1 - v[[#]]]], Length@v, x] &
/@ Flatten[Position[v, 0 | 1]]