I guess you can create a function such as this:
minimax[table_] :=
Module[{slices, val,pos= pos = {}},
slices = table[[All, All, #]] & /@ Range[Last@Dimensions@table];
val = Min@Max@slices[[#]] & /@ Range[Last@Dimensions@table];
pos = AppendTo[pos,val[#]Position[slices[[#]],2] val[[#]]] & /@
Then just run the
where t
where t
is your table.
EDIT: This way you will get the positions in the second level of your table. You could have also written
pos= AppendTo[pos,Position[Min@Max@slices[[#]],slices[[#]]]] & /@ Range[Last@Dimensions@table];
EDIT2: cleared up the code this will give you pairs of indices, of the first two levels