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Post Closed as "Duplicate" by Alexey Popkov, MarcoB, vapor, ubpdqn plotting
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C. E.
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An earlier question here mentioned Control`PoleZeroPlot, which I've found useful. Typing Names["*`PoleZeroPlot] returns

{"Charting`PoleZeroPlot", "Control`PoleZeroPlot", "PoleZeroPlot"}

(I'm substituting single quote ' for back-tick above because I can't figure out how to escape the back-tick character.)

Mysteriously, when I type PoleZeroPlot into Mathematica, it knows nothing about it. Digging around in the installation directories for Mathematica doesn't turn up any Control package. Where can I find documentation on PoleZeroPlot?

An earlier question here mentioned Control`PoleZeroPlot, which I've found useful. Typing Names["*`PoleZeroPlot] returns

{"Charting`PoleZeroPlot", "Control`PoleZeroPlot", "PoleZeroPlot"}

(I'm substituting single quote ' for back-tick above because I can't figure out how to escape the back-tick character.)

Mysteriously, when I type PoleZeroPlot into Mathematica, it knows nothing about it. Digging around in the installation directories for Mathematica doesn't turn up any Control package. Where can I find documentation on PoleZeroPlot?

An earlier question here mentioned Control`PoleZeroPlot, which I've found useful. Typing Names["*`PoleZeroPlot] returns

{"Charting`PoleZeroPlot", "Control`PoleZeroPlot", "PoleZeroPlot"}

Mysteriously, when I type PoleZeroPlot into Mathematica, it knows nothing about it. Digging around in the installation directories for Mathematica doesn't turn up any Control package. Where can I find documentation on PoleZeroPlot?

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An earlier question here mentioned Control'PoleZeroPlotControl`PoleZeroPlot, which I've found useful. Typing Names["*'PoleZeroPlot]Names["*`PoleZeroPlot] returns

{"Charting`PoleZeroPlot", "Control`PoleZeroPlot", "PoleZeroPlot"}

(I'm substituting single quote ' for back-tick above because I can't figure out how to escape the back-tick character.)

Mysteriously, when I type PoleZeroPlot into Mathematica, it knows nothing about it. Digging around in the installation directories for Mathematica doesn't turn up any Control package. Where can I find documentation on PoleZeroPlot?

An earlier question here mentioned Control'PoleZeroPlot, which I've found useful. Typing Names["*'PoleZeroPlot] returns

{"Charting`PoleZeroPlot", "Control`PoleZeroPlot", "PoleZeroPlot"}

(I'm substituting single quote ' for back-tick above because I can't figure out how to escape the back-tick character.)

Mysteriously, when I type PoleZeroPlot into Mathematica, it knows nothing about it. Digging around in the installation directories for Mathematica doesn't turn up any Control package. Where can I find documentation on PoleZeroPlot?

An earlier question here mentioned Control`PoleZeroPlot, which I've found useful. Typing Names["*`PoleZeroPlot] returns

{"Charting`PoleZeroPlot", "Control`PoleZeroPlot", "PoleZeroPlot"}

(I'm substituting single quote ' for back-tick above because I can't figure out how to escape the back-tick character.)

Mysteriously, when I type PoleZeroPlot into Mathematica, it knows nothing about it. Digging around in the installation directories for Mathematica doesn't turn up any Control package. Where can I find documentation on PoleZeroPlot?

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