Last year (in Mathematica 10V10.x) I created a DateListPlotDateListPlot
of commodity price data. I use Tooltipused Tooltip
to display the date and the data value from a DateListdate list. I upgraded to version 11V11 and everything was fine. The Tooltipstooltips would render properly like this: {Fri 17 Feb 2017, 1.58}{Fri 17 Feb 2017, 1.58}
But after I upgraded to 11.1 the Tooltipstooltips now render in scientific notation, like this (same date): {3.69628 x 109, 1.58}
Here's the DateListPlot:
pListCurrYr = {{{2017, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.}, 1.67}
, {{2017, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0.}, 1.66}, ...}; (* 3 mos. of data *)
, PlotTheme -> "Classic"
, AspectRatio -> 0.8
, PlotLabel -> Style[
"CME Block Cheese Prices from "
<> DateString[
pListCurrYr[[1, 1]], {"MonthName", " ", "DayShort"}] <> " to "
<> DateString[
pListCurrYr[[Length[pListCurrYr], 1]], {"MonthName", " ",
"DayShort", ", ", "Year"}]
, "Subsection"
, Filling -> Bottom
, PlotMarkers -> {\[FilledDiamond], 18}
, PlotRange -> {Full, {1.00, 2.00}}
I've tried to use DateStringsDateString
objects instead of DateDate
objects in the pListCurrYr List...pListCurrYr
, but TooltipTooltip
still interprets them in scientific notation.
Could you please show me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you!
Steve Erbach