This post contains several code blocks, you can copy them easily with the help of importCode
The following is an attempt for making a general purpose function for this task:
SetAttributes[allowNonSymbol, HoldAll]
allowNonSymbol[Set[lhs_, rhs_]] := allowNonSymbol[SetDelayed[lhs, #]] &@rhs
allowNonSymbol[func_SetDelayed] :=
With[{blank = Verbatim[#][___] & /@ (Blank | BlankSequence | BlankNullSequence)},
Module[{newFunc, independentVar}, {newFunc, {independentVar}} =
Reap[Hold@func /.
var_ (holder : blank) :>
RuleCondition[Sow@HoldPattern@var; Pattern[var, holder]] /.
var_ Verbatim[PatternTest][holder : blank, test_] :>
RuleCondition[Sow@HoldPattern@var; PatternTest[Pattern[var, holder], test]] //
Quiet, _, Union[#2] &];
With[{rule = # -> Unique[] & /@ independentVar}, newFunc /. rule // ReleaseHold]]]
allowNonSymbol[func : Function[independentVar_, rhs__]] :=
With[{rule = # -> Unique[] & /@ Flatten@{independentVar}},
Hold[func] /. rule // ReleaseHold]
Clear[f, relativez]
mid = z[bar]^2;
allowNonSymbol[f[z[bar] _] = mid];
allowNonSymbol[relativez[z_, z[bar] _] := z/z[bar]];
(* 9 *)
relativez[2, 3]
(* 2/3 *)
can be used on pure function:
sin = allowNonSymbol@Function[b[1], Sin@b[1]];
(* 0.909297 *)
It can handle BlankSequence[]
) and BlankNullSequence[]
Clear[times, join]
allowNonSymbol[times[argu[n] __] := Times[argu[n]]]
times[2, 3, 5]
(* 30 *)
allowNonSymbol[join[lst_, ele[i] ___] := Join[lst, ele[i]]]
(* {3} *)
It can also handle _h
and PatternTest
Clear[f, g]
allowNonSymbol[f[a[2] _Integer] := 2 a[2]]
(* 4 *)
(* f[2.] *)
allowNonSymbol[g[a[1] _?NumericQ] := a[1]]
Clear[a]; g[a]
(* g[a] *)
#Known issue
Patterns like a[1]:{_Integer}
can't be used, and it seems to be impossible to overcome the issue, because Mathematica notebook simpliy can't parse the expression:
a[1] : {_Integer}
- Patterns like
Pattern[a[1], {_Integer}]
isn't supported yet.