I have generated the upper triangular elements of a matrix by some loops. Although, herehere deals with forming an Upper triangular matrix of a list but we want the lower triangular part elements be the conjugate of upper triangular elements. (w
, s
and d
are reals but can have negative values). The first created matrix is
matbefore = {{s, I w - 1, 0, w - 1, I w, I d}, {0, 1 - s, w,
0, w, I d - 1}, {0, 0, 1 + s, w I,0, w - 2}, {0, 0, 0, 1 + s, d I, 0}, {0, 0, 0 , 0, 1 - s, I d^2}, {0,0, 0, 0, 0, s}};
the matrix which can be represented by
matafter = {{s, I w - 1, 0, w - 1, I w, I d}, {Subscript[a, 21], 1 - s, w,
0, w, I d - 1}, {Subscript[a, 31], Subscript[a, 32], 1 + s, w I,
0, w - 2}, {Subscript[a, 41], Subscript[a, 42], Subscript[a, 43],
1 + s, d I, 0}, {Subscript[a, 51], Subscript[a, 52], Subscript[a,
53], Subscript[a, 54], 1 - s, I d^2}, {Subscript[a, 61],
Subscript[a, 62], Subscript[a, 63], Subscript[a, 64], Subscript[a,
65], s}};
(* I just used Subscript[a,_]
to show the lower elements. They are zero before they will be replace with conjugated numbers.*)
For example Subscript[a, 21]
must be -1-w I
and Subscript[a, 51]
must be -w I
. Can we use of Hermitian
property of the matrix?