I've reviewed the following posts:
Connecting two Raspberry Pi's using MathLink
Remote kernel through SSHRemote kernel through SSH
How to connect the front end of one raspberry pi with the kernel of anotherHow to connect the front end of one raspberry pi with the kernel of another
But have been unsuccessful in launching a remote kernel on a Pi from another Pi's front end.
I completed step 1 from the last referenced post and can access the remote Pi without a password using the terminal window but every other step fails once confined to the front end.
mathl[link_] := "wolfram -mathlink -linkmode Connect -linkprotocol TCPIP
-linkname " <> link <> " -subkernel -noinit &< /dev/null &";
machine = "";
link = LinkCreate[LinkProtocol -> "TCPIP"];
linkname = First@link;
cmd = "ssh " <> $UserName <> "@" <> machine <> " \"" <> mathl[linkname] <> "\"";
The link created is
which doesn't work and seems wrong so I forced it to use the following:
mathl[link_] := "wolfram -mathlink -linkmode Connect -linkprotocol TCPIP
-linkname " <> link <> " -subkernel -noinit &< /dev/null &";
machine = "";
link = LinkCreate["@,@,",LinkProtocol -> "TCPIP"];
linkname = First@link;
cmd = "ssh " <> $UserName <> "@" <> machine <> " \"" <> mathl[linkname] <> "\"";
is the remote Pi and
is the local Pi
No matter what I try it seems to hang on LinkWrite[link,Unevaluated@{$MachineName,Now[]}];
process = StartProcess[$SystemShell];