Solution based on the GridGraph
dimension = 20;
coDimension = 30;
percProbability = 0.7;
deleteMe =
Pick[Table[i, {i, dimension*coDimension}],
Table[RandomReal[] > percProbability, {i,
G = GridGraph[{dimension, coDimension}, VertexLabels -> "Name",
ImagePadding -> 30];
G = SetProperty[G, VertexCoordinates -> GraphEmbedding[G]];
H = VertexDelete[G, deleteMe]
FindShortestPath[H, 1, 600]
HighlightGraph[H, PathGraph[%]]
that finds the shortest path from the site 1 to the site 600. And next I want to find the shortest path from the left side to the right side
rightSide = Complement[Table[i, {i, 581, 600}], deleteMe]
Table[FindShortestPath[H, 1, i], {i, rightSide}]
Table[Length[FindShortestPath[H, 1, i]], {i, rightSide}]
shortest = Table[FindShortestPath[H, 1, i], {i, rightSide}][[4]];
HighlightGraph[H, PathGraph[shortest]]
that is the shortest path of length 47 between the vertex 1 and the left side. Next I need to do this over each site on the right side to find the shortest path between the right side and the left side
paths = Table[
Table[FindShortestPath[H, j, i], {i, rightSide}], {j, leftSide}];
pathLengths = Table[
Table[Length[paths[[k]][[h]]], {k, Length[paths]}],
{h, Length[paths[[]][[1]]]}]
Histogram[pathLengths, 50]
pathLengths // Max
FindShortestPath[H, rightSide[[17]], leftSide[[13]]]
HighlightGraph[H, PathGraph[%]]
Pick[pathLengths, pathLengths // Positive]
where the zero entries tell me that there are sites from which no path to the other side. So we need to look for positive entries only to find the minimal paths and we found it to be of 33 size.
The largest pairwise minimal path length is 53 and it turns out to be between 1-596.
FindShortestPath[H, rightSide[[13]], leftSide[[1]]]
HighlightGraph[H, PathGraph[%]]