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Stopping NDSolve when encountering stiffness

I am solving a differential equation for different initial conditions using ParametricNDSolveValue. I need to look at the value of the solution at some later point, and classify the nature of the solution. For certain starting values, the solution is well-behaved and oscillatory. For certain other starting values (which are smaller than the oscillatory ones), the solution rapidly rises to very large numbers, and Mathematica gives me a stiffness/singularity error:

ParametricNDSolveValue::ndsz: At r == 0.0004036933699289324`, step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected. >>

I am wondering if there is a way to stop NDSolve the moment it encounters stiffness and somehow let me know that this happened. I essentially only need to know the value of the starting point at which it goes from oscillatory to stiff, with high precision. At such a value, the solution should end up at an unstable equilibrium point, without oscillations or rapidly rising to large numbers. Is there a way to detect stiffness (I am assuming the problem here is stiffness) without Mathematica trying to find an extrapolated solution?

Here's the equation I am working with:

Potential[x_] := 5.154462413581529*^7 - 256000000*(1 - x)^2 + 128000000*(1 - x)^4 - 1.030892482716306*^8*x^2 + 8.049495987048458*^8*(1 - x)^2*x^2 + 5.154462413581531*^7*x^4

test = ParametricNDSolveValue[{(Derivative[2][t][r] + (2/r)*Derivative[1][t][r] - D[Potential[x], x] /. x -> t[r]) == 0, t[10^(-12)] == d, 
 Derivative[1][t][10^(-12)] == 0}, t[0.5], {r, 10^(-12), 1}, {d}]; 

And this is the code I am using to check this in case anyone is interested:

C = 0.0005;
d = 0.002; 
Under = 1; 
Monitor[Quiet[While[C >= 10^(-18), While[Under == 1, d = d - C; If[Abs[test[d]] > 1 || d < 0, Under = 0]; ]; d = d + C; C = C/10; Under = 1; ]; ], d]