Numerical Derivatives and a faster version
If one were able to ascertain the polarity that a change in a parameter has on the outcome one could construct a faster version by reducing the number of permutations.
testDeriv = With[
a1 = -23.29,
b1 = 0.88,
c1 = 20.82
{s, (lhs[s, a1 + 0.001, b1, c1] - lhs[s, a1, b1, c1])/0.001,
(lhs[s, a1, b1 + 0.001, c1] - lhs[s, a1, b1, c1])/0.001,
(lhs[s, a1, b1, c1 + 0.001] - lhs[s, a1, b1, c1])/0.001},
{s, 20.3, 23.3, 0.5}
(* {{20.3, 0.00672811, 0.00102687, 0.0117371}, {20.8,
0.00194452, -0.000360691, 0.00494013}, {21.3,
0.000116524, -0.0000671435, 0.000553761}, {21.8,
7.0401*10^-8, -7.15508*10^-8, 8.08399*10^-7}, {22.3,
2.90222*10^-17, -4.32226*10^-17, 9.63237*10^-16}, {22.8,
4.69431*10^-46, -9.28372*10^-46, 5.11146*10^-44}, {23.3,
3.58277*10^-136, -8.85485*10^-136, 1.5721*10^-133}} *)
It appears that the derivative of lhs
with respect to a
and c
is always positive and with respect to b
may be either positive or negative.
Using that hypothesis a faster version of the lhs
for intervals would be:
lhsMinus2[s_?NumericQ, a_?NumericQ, da_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ,
db_?NumericQ, c_?NumericQ, dc_?NumericQ] := Module[
aList = If[da == 0, {a}, {a - da}];
bList = If[db == 0, {b}, {b, b - db, b + db}];
cList = If[dc == 0, {c}, {c - dc}];
Min[Map[lhs[s, Sequence @@ #] &,
Flatten[Outer[List, aList, bList, cList], 2]]]
and indeed testing shows that it does indeed produce a smaller minimum:
testMinus = With[
a1 = -23.29,
da = 0.04,
b1 = 0.88,
db = 0.04,
c1 = 20.82,
dc = 0.01
{s, lhsMinus[s, a1, da, b1, db, c1, dc],
lhsMinus2[s, a1, da, b1, db, c1, dc]},
{s, 20.3, 23.3, 0.5}
Map[{#[[1]], #[[3]]/#[[2]]} &, testMinus]
(* {{20.3, 1.}, {20.8, 0.98248}, {21.3, 0.947516}, {21.8,
0.909672}, {22.3, 0.870701}, {22.8, 0.832196}, {23.3, 0.794958}} *)
The same is true for the positive side:
lhsPlus2[s_?NumericQ, a_?NumericQ, da_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ,
db_?NumericQ, c_?NumericQ, dc_?NumericQ] := Module[
aList = If[da == 0, {a}, {a + da}];
bList = If[db == 0, {b}, {b, b - db, b + db}];
cList = If[dc == 0, {c}, {c + dc}];
Max[Map[lhs[s, Sequence @@ #] &,
Flatten[Outer[List, aList, bList, cList], 2]]]
testPlus = With[
a1 = -23.29,
da = 0.04,
b1 = 0.88,
db = 0.04,
c1 = 20.82,
dc = 0.01
{s, lhsPlus[s, a1, da, b1, db, c1, dc],
lhsPlus2[s, a1, da, b1, db, c1, dc]},
{s, 20.3, 23.3, 0.5}
Map[{#[[1]], #[[3]]/#[[2]]} &, testPlus]
(* {{20.3, 1.}, {20.8, 1.01669}, {21.3, 1.05383}, {21.8,
1.09744}, {22.3, 1.14645}, {22.8, 1.19945}, {23.3, 1.25562}} *)