This is not an answer more of an extended comment...
My mission is to extract information on the typical distance between the black patches in the image I have attached here.
Do we have to use Fourier transform for this?
For example we can get the required estimate with these commands:
img = Import[""];
Row[{"Image dimensions:", ImageDimensions[img]}]
imgB = ColorNegate@Binarize[img, 0.4];
Block[{img = imgB},
Graphics[{Red, Thick,
Circle[#[[1]], #[[2]]] & /@
img, {"Centroid", "EquivalentDiskRadius"}][[All, 2]]}]]
comps = ComponentMeasurements[
imgB, {"Centroid", "EquivalentDiskRadius"}][[All, 2]];
dists = Flatten@
Map[Take[Sort[#], UpTo[5]] &,
Outer[EuclideanDistance[#1[[1]], #2[[1]]] - (#1[[2]] + #2[[2]]) &,
comps, comps, 1]];
qs = Range[0, 1, 0.25];
TableForm[{qs, Quantile[dists, qs]}]