A simple and fast method for finding the phase difference would be to do it manually. Let's plot the the two data sets in a Manipulate
and let one have a manually determined offset. Since the time bases in both lists are the same I discard them for the moment so that the x-axis depicts sample number:
ListLinePlot[{24.7 lists[[1, All, 2]], lists[[2, offset ;; -1, 2]]}, ImageSize -> 600],
{offset, 1, 400, 1}
Note that I scaled one of the plots by 24.7 for reasons that will be made clear later on.
If you play with that you find that a 38 sample shift is about optimal.
How to do this with fourier analysis?
The amplitude spectra:
af1 = Abs@Fourier[lists[[1, All, 2]]];
af2 = Abs@Fourier[lists[[2, All, 2]]];
The phases:
pf1 = Arg@Fourier[lists[[1, All, 2]]];
pf2 = Arg@Fourier[lists[[2, All, 2]]];
A plot of the amplitude spectrum of the first sample:
ListLinePlot[af1, PlotRange -> All]
The two peaks are at:
Ordering[af1, -2]
{14, 2488}
The same for the second sample. At position 14 the ratio of the amplitudes is:
So, here we have our amplitude scaling factor.
The phase difference for this peak is:
pf2[[14]] - pf1[[14]]
or in terms of sample positions:
(pf2[[14]] - pf1[[14]])/(2 \[Pi]) 1/((14.-1)/Length[af1])
Yes, the same value we found manually.