Is there any way to tell Solve
(or something similar) to return values for variables that solved as many constraints as it happened to satisfy?
I had trouble finding a small example that wasn't trivial, but I finally did. Here's one:
Solve[{{-1 + Abs[q2 (-(7/4) + t1)], q1, -1 + Abs[q1 (-(7/4) + t2)], 3 + q2} == 0,
{t1, t2} >= 7/4},
{t1, t2, q1, q2}]
The kind of output that I want (I don't care if it's not unique; I can deal with that):
{{t1 -> 25/12, t2 -> Indeterminate, q1 -> 0, q2 -> -3}}
The output that I get, but don't want: