UPDATE: The problem is not related with some kind of restriction on NDSolve
, I just checked it with a more simpler system and n=500
; NDSolve worked fine. What follows is the code; as I said before for n=25
it works well, in less than a second, however for n>26
It doesn't. Why the beep?
says : The kernel Local has quit (exited) during the course of an evaluation
n = 26;
U0 = 20;
Nt = 3;
b = 0.5;
umax = 2;
tr = 40.0;
S4 = Join[{u[1]''[t] ==
1/Nt (U0*(1 - Exp[-(t/tr)]) - u[1][t]) -
HeavisideTheta[2*umax - Abs[2*u[1][t]]] + (u[n][t] -
u[1][t]) + (u[2][t] - u[1][t]) - b*u[1]'[t],
u[2]''[t] ==
1/Nt (U0*(1 - Exp[-(t/tr)]) - u[2][t]) -
HeavisideTheta[2*umax - Abs[2*u[2][t]]] + (u[2 - 1][t] -
u[2][t]) + (u[2 + 1][t] - u[2][t]) - b*u[2]'[t],
u[3]''[t] ==
1/Nt (U0*(1 - Exp[-(t/tr)]) - u[3][t]) + (u[3 - 1][t] -
u[3][t]) + (u[3 + 1][t] - u[3][t]) - b*u[3]'[t]
}, Table[
u[i]''[t] ==
1/Nt (U0*(1 - Exp[-(t/tr)]) - u[i][t]) -
HeavisideTheta[2*umax - Abs[2*u[i][t]]] + (u[i - 1][t] -
u[i][t]) + (u[i + 1][t] - u[i][t]) - b*u[i]'[t], {i, 4,
n - 1}],
{u[n]''[t] ==
1/Nt (U0*(1 - Exp[-(t/tr)]) - u[n][t]) -
HeavisideTheta[2*umax - Abs[2*u[n][t]]] + (u[1][t] -
u[n][t]) + (u[n - 1][t] - u[n][t]) - b*u[n]'[t]},
Table[u[i][0] == 0, {i, 1, n}],
Table[u[i]'[0] == 0, {i, 1, n}]];
Sol = NDSolve[S4, Table[u[i], {i, 1, n}], {t, 0, 70},
Method -> "ExplicitRungeKutta"];
Plot[Evaluate[Table[u[i][t], {i, 1, n}] /. Sol], {t, 0, 70}]